IFToMM Asian Mechanism and Machine Science

Asian MMS 2018

December 17-20, Bengaluru, India

J. N. Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, India

Link to access your Easychair account
Congratulations! Emails are sent to all the selected YDPs.
Click here to download the tentative programme.

The process for paper submission, evaluation, and acceptance for Asian MMS 2018 took place as per the schedule. Thanks to all authors and reviewers.

Abstract submission

Abstract submission is now open. Please submit your abstracts here. Decisions on all the abstracts submitted before April, 27, 2018 will be conveyed to the respective corresponding authors before May, 1, 2018. The final deadline for the abstract submission is May, 22, 2018. Decisions on abstracts submitted after April, 27, 2018, and before the deadline will be completed before June, 1, 2018.

Paper submission

You can download the Word and LaTeX templates for the full paper of Asian MMS 2018 here Please follow the guidelines indicated in the templates when you prepare your paper. You need to submit the camera-ready pdf file by July, 1st 15th, 2018. Deadline for full paper submission is extended until 15th of July 2018 due to several requests received from the authors for extension.

To submit the full paper, please follow these steps: (1) log in to your EasyChair account here (2) click on your submission(s) under the tab "My Submissions" (3) click on "Add file" at the right top of the page (4) select the pdf file of your final paper (5) click on "Submit".

The full papers will be sent for review as soon as you submit. Therefore, we hope to intimate you the decision on the full paper well before Sep. 1st, 2018, for those who submit early.

Guidelines on oral preperation

The duration of oral presentation is 12 min followed by 3 min for Q&A

Please email your slides to asianmms2018@gmail.com with email subject "Oral presentation "YOUR NAME-PAPER NO."" by 10th December, 2018.

Guidelines on poster preperation and flash talks

Please follow these guidelines when you prepare your poster and the presentation slides for the flash talk:
  1. The poster must be of A0 size and in portrait format.
  2. The figures and images should be of high quality (preferably vector images) with a resolution of at least 300dpi.
  3. It is recommended that the poster be divided into following sections:
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction (motivation and problem statement)
    3. Results and Discussion
    4. Conclusions/Summary
    5. References.
  4. The flash talk prior to the interactive poster presentation will be of 5 mins duration. We suggest you to prepare a 3-5 slides that capture the essence of your work. Please ensure that the style and content of thepresentation motivate the audience to visit your poster.The presentation slides needs to be emailed to "asianmms2018@gmail.com" with the email-subject "Flash talk slides "YOUR NAME-PAPER NO"" by 10th December 2018.

Important dates

Third call for papers February, 1, 2018
Abstract Submission begins April, 3, 2018
Deadline for abstrtact submission for an early decision April, 27, 2018
Early decision on abstracts Before May, 1, 2018
Final deadline for abstract submission May, 22, 2018 (no further extensions)
Decision on abstracts submitted after April, 27, 2018 June, 1, 2018
Deadline for full paper submission July, 15, 2018
Decision on full paper September, 1, 2018
Deadline for final manuscript submission September, 15, 2018
Final programme November, 1, 2018