M. Tech. and M. Des. for Sponsored candidates

The Institute offers programmes based on course work: Master of Technology (M Tech) / Master of Design (M Des) for the sponsored candidates from Defence, DRDO, BARC, ISRO, NAL, KSRTC, BMTC, BDA, PWD, CPRI, ACIWRM:Water Resource Dept(WRD) GoK, Ministry of Water Research(MOWR) and Central water Commission(CWC) under DRIP Project. The Institute admits about 50 students every year under sponsored category for its course programmes.

You should apply through the Online Admissions Applications Portal. Instructions for the portal are provided here.

Important deadlines, click here to view

Fee structure, click here to view.

  • Eligibility
  • M.Tech. Programmes
  • Selection Procedure

Candidates possessing a minimum of Second Class in the following degrees are eligible to apply.

(a)       Bachelor’s degree holders in Engineering/Technology or its equivalent.

(b)       B.E./B.Tech. equivalent examinations of Professional Societies, recognized by MoE/UPSC/AICTE (e.g AMIE by Institutions of Engineers). Note: Candidates enrolled upto 31.05.2013 with professional societies(e.g AMIE) recognized by MoE are only eligible to apply

(c)       Master’s degree holders in Science including Physics with Electronics/ Instrumentation/Geology/ Computer Applications/ Physical Sciences/ Mathematical Sciences as applicable to individual departments offering M Tech programmes.

Sponsored candidates are entitled to choose only one discipline from the  M Tech programmes listed.

 Note:  Organization-wise disciplines available are:


Organization M.Tech. disciplines
ISRO, BARC,NTRO All the disciplines
Defence CS, ELC, SP, AI, AE, ME, MV, QT, SemT, CP, RAS, M.Des.
Ministry of Water Resources (MOWR) and the Central Water Commission (CWC) of the Government of India under the Dam Rehabilitation Implementation Project (DRIP), Civil in Dam Engineering
Government of Karnataka, through the Advanced Centre for Integrated Water Resources Management {ACIWRM) Civil in Water Resource
KSRTC, BMTC, BDA, PWD CE in Transportation Engineering Systems

The participating departments/centres, disciplines, minimum qualifications, areas of study are listed in the table given below.

Sl.No.DisciplineDepartment/CentreQualificationAreas of study
1Aerospace Engineering (AE)Aerospace EngineeringBE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Aeronautical; Mechanical; Civil; Chemical; Electrical; Electronics or Communication.Structures, Aerodynamics; Propulsion; Control and Guidance of Aircraft, Rockets and Spacecraft.
2Artificial Intelligence (AI)Jointly conducted by Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Automation, Electrical Communication Engg, Electronic Systems Engg., Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber-Physical Systems, and Computational and Data Sciences.BE/ B Tech or equivalent degree Candidates should have done a formal course in programming in C and C++. Digital Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Graphics, Stochastic Systems, Multimedia, Real Time and Fault Tolerant Systems, Sensor Networks, E Commerce, Speech Processing, Real Time Signal Processing and Embedded Systems.
3Civil Engineering* (CE)Civil Engineering*BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Civil, MechanicalGeotechnical Engineering; Water Resources and Environmental Engineering; Structural Engineering, Transportation Systems Engineering, Dam Engineering.
4Chemical Engineering (CH)Chemical EngineeringBE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Chemical Engineering.Catalyst design and synthesis; Cell membranes and soft interfaces; Computational biology; therapeutic engineering; host-pathogen interactions; and dynamics of infectious diseases; Energy storage in batteries and supercapacitors; gas hydrates; High resolution single molecule techniques to probe nanoscale biosystems; Microfluidics and soft solids; Modelling; optimization and control of bioreactors; Nanotechnology for sensors; actuators; fuel and solar cells; Polymer degradation; Reaction engineering in multifunctional and microreactors; Rheology and dynamics of powders; and suspensions of living and nonliving matter; Water remediation/purification; activated carbon fabric.
5Earth and Climate Sciences (EaCS)Jointly conducted by the Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and Earth SciencesBE / B Tech or equivalent degree in any discipline or M Sc or equivalent degree in any discipline Solid Earth Processes, Geodynamics, Petrology, Seismic Hazards, Geodesy, Atmospheric, Oceanic, Environmental and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Physical and Chemical Oceanography, Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere, Clouds, Radiation, Numerical Modelling of Atmosphere and Ocean, Ocean Dynamics and Circulation, Climate of the Earth, Paleoclimate Studies, Satellite Meteorology, Geophysical Data Analysis, Nonlinear Climate Dynamics, Geochemical Cycles, Observational Techniques, and Mass Spectrometry Techniques.
6Computational and Data Science (CP)Department of Computational & Data SciencesBE / B Tech or equivalent degree in any discipline or M Sc or equivalent degree in any discipline Multidisciplinary Program Addressing: Computational and Data Science topics including: Numerical Linear Algebra, Numerical Methods, Modeling and Simulation, Optimization, Parallel computing, Distributed systems, Cloud computing, Big Data platforms, loT, Database systems; Scalable methods, Machine learning, AI, Deep Learning, Computer vision, NLP, data analysis, visualization.
7Computer Science & Engineering (CS)Computer Science & AutomationBE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Computer Science / Engineering; Information Technology; Information Science/Engineering.Theoretical Computer Science: Algorithms; Complexity Theory; Combinatorial Optimization; Graph Theory; Information and Coding Theory; Cryptography; Cryptology; Computational Geometry; Computational Topology; Algorithmic Algebra; Computational Biology; Automata Theory; Formal Verification. Computer Systems and Software: Computer Architecture; Multi-Core Computing; Parallel and High Performance Computing; Operating Systems; Storage Systems; Security; Database Systems; Cloud Computing; Distributed Computing; Modeling and Simulation; Compiler Design; Program Analysis; Programming Languages; Software Engineering; Adhoc Mobile and Sensor Networks; Graphics and Visualization. Intelligent Systems: Data Mining; Data Analytics; Deep Learning; Information Retrieval; Machine Learning; Pattern Recognition; Reinforcement Learning; Convex Optimization; Stochastic Control and Optimization; Game Theory; Auctions and Mechanism Design; Electronic Markets; Social Network Analysis; Cognitive Systems; Natural Language Processing.
8Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)Electrical Communica-tion Engineer-ingBE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Electronics & Communication Telecommunication; Electronics; Electrical Engineering with specialization in Electronics & Communication.Communications and Networking; Information and Coding Theory; Wireless Communication, AI/ML for Communications, Cyber Physical Systems, High Frequency Circuits & Systems, Signal & Information Sciences.
9Electronic Systems Engineering (ESE)Electronic Systems EngineeringBE / B Tech or equivalent degree with Electronics as one of the subjects of study or M Sc or equivalent degree in Physics with Electronics as the special subject. (M Sc or equivalent degree holders should possess 2 years experience in Electronics hardware). Digital and Analog Circuits, Power Conversion, VLSI Design, Semiconductor Devices and Technology, Electronic Systems Packaging, Mathematics for Electrical Engineers. Signal Processing and Information Theory, VLSI Systems Architecture, Processor Design, Embedded Systems and Networking, Machine Learning.
10Electrical Engineering (EE)Electrical EngineeringBE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Electrical  or Electrical and Electronics Engineering.Power Systems, Power Electronics, High Voltage Engineering.
11Mobility Engineering (MobE)Mechanical Engineering (involves more than one department, EE, ESE,AE, RB-CPS, CPDM, CiSTUP, CE) BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in any disciplineHybrid & Electric Vehicles, Power Electronics, Mechatronics, Vehicle Dynamics, Autonomous Driving.
12Instrumentation Systems (INS)Instrumentation and Applied PhysicsBE / B Tech or equivalent degree or M Sc or equivalent degree with specialization in Instrumentation.Nanoelectronic Devices; Quantum Dots (QD); Graphene Electronics; Micro and Nano Systems; Layered 2D Materials; Sensors and related Instrumentation; QD containing Optical Fibers; Nanoscale Imaging; Super-Resolution Microscopy and Imaging; Fluorescence Microscopy; Precision Motion Control; Microfluidics and Devices; Nano-metrology; Atomic Force Microscopy; Semiconductor Devices and Circuits; Electrical Transport Studies in Low-dimensional Materials; QD Lasers; Bioinstrumentation; Materials Science;Electrical and Thermal Contact Resistance; Fibre-Bragg Grating Sensors; Phase Change Memories; Energy Systems; Image Processing; Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip; Interferometry; Computational Imaging; Image Processing; Biomedical Instrumentation; Optofluidics and Point-of-Care Diagnostics; Optical metrology; Optical Microscopy; Quantum Computing, Microwave Engineering, Tomography, Deep-Learning, Photoacoustic Imaging, Thin Films and Coatings, Reconfigurable Metasurfaces, Stretchable Electronics and Photonics, Energy Harvesting Systems.
13M.Des ProgrammeDesign and ManufacturingBE / B Tech or equivalent degree in any discipline or B Des or B.Arch. Design and Manufacturing
14Mechanical Engineering (ME)Mechanical EngineeringBE/ B Tech or equivalent degree in Mechanical.Solid Mechanics; Finite Element Analysis; Computer Aided Design; Non-Linear Dynamics; Vibration; Technical Acoustics; Design of Mechanical Systems; Robotics; Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems; Nano-Mechanics; Biomechanics; Tribology; Advanced Manufacturing Process; Material Science; Fluid Mechanics; Heat Transfer; I C Engines; Combustion; Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning.
15Materials Engineering (MT)Materials EngineeringBE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Metallurgy, Ceramic Engineering/Technology, Polymer, Plastics, Materials Science and/or Engineering Materials: Structural Alloys (light metal, superalloys, refractory metals), Shape Memory Alloys, Engineering Ceramics, Nanomaterials, Electronic Materials, Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics, Polymer Blends and Nanocomposites, Organic Photovoltaics. Phenomena: Phase Transformations, Rapid Solidification, Mechanical Alloying, Diffusion, Texture and Grain Boundary Engineering, Mechanical Behaviour including Creep, Superplasticity, Fatigue and Fracture, Thin Films and Coatings, Contact Deformation, Tribology, Thermoelectromechanical Phenomena, Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, Sensors, Mineral Processing, Biohydrometallurgy, Extractive Metallurgy. Computational Modeling of Processes, Alloy Stability, Defects and Transformations.
16Microelectronics and VLSI Design (MV)Jointly conducted by Electrical Communication Engg &  Electronic  Systems EnggBE/ B Tech or equivalent degree in Electrical; Electronics and Communication; Computer Science/Engineering; Instrumentation with Electronics.Microelectronics: (1) Basics of Semiconductor Devices and Technology; (2) Foundations of Nanoelectronics Devices; (3) Microelectronics Lab; (4) Physics and Design of Transistors; (5) Carrier Transport in Nanoelectronics Devices; (6) Art of Compact Modelling; (7) Optoelectronic Devices; (8) Special Topics in Nanoelectronics and (9) Design of Power Semiconductor Devices VLSI Design: (1) Digital VLSI Circuit; (2) Analog VLSI Circuits; (3) Digital Systems Design with FPGAs; (4) Integrated Circuits for Wireless Communication; (5) RF IC and Systems; (6) Photonic Integrated Circuits; (7) Advanced ESD devices, Circuits and Design Methods; (8) Reliability of Nanoscale Circuits and Systems.
17Semiconductor Technology (SemT)Centre for Nano Science and EngineeringBE / B Tech or equivalent degree in any discipline or M Sc or equivalent degree in Electronics or in Physics Foundational courses on micro and nano fabrication and characterization of semiconductor materials and devices including hands-on training inside class 100 cleanroom; optional minors in the areas of nanoelectronics, photonics, nano-bio and micro-systems & packaging, covering various inter-disciplinary courses on MEMS/NEMS; biosensors; micro-nanofluidics; solid-state physics; crystal growth and thin films; photonic integrated circuits; lasers & non-linear photonics; packaging; natural to artificial intelligence; microwave devices; opto-electronics and photovoltaics.
18Quantum Technology (QT)Instrumentation and Applied PhysicsBE / B Tech or equivalent degree in any discipline or M Sc or equivalent degree in any discipline or 4 years Bachelor of Science or equivalent in any discipline of Science/Research In all cases a strong mathematical background is required. Quantum Computation and Simulation, Quantum Communications, Quantum Measurement and Sensing, Materials for Quantum Technologies
19Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS)Robert Bosch Center for Cyber Physical SystemsBE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology, Electrical, Electronics/ Electrical Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive/Automobile Engineering, Mechatronics, Instrumentation & Control Engineering or M Sc or equivalent degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or 4 years Bachelor of Science or equivalent in Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology, Electrical, Electronics/Electrical Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive/Automobile Engineering, Mechatronics, Instrumentation and Control EngineeringFoundational concepts in Mathematical Foundations like Linear Algebra, Computational Techniques, Probability and Statistics, Control & Optimization, Statistical Signal Processing, Planning & Decisions, Stochastic and Data driven Control, AI for Robotics, Dynamics & Kinematics, Formal Techniques for CPS Applied concepts in Networking for Robotics & Autonomous Systems, Real-Time Embedded Systems, Sensing & Actuation Systems, Applied Machine Learning for Speech & Vision, Reinforcement Learning for Robot Control, Swarm & Team Robotics, Human-Machine Interactions & social robotics, Security, Safety & Privacy for Autonomous Systems, Autonomous ground/air Robots, Navigation & Guidance, Perception via Signal & Image Processing Experiential learning via laboratory modules for: Mobile robot programming, Control of Industrial Robot Arms, Programming of Legged Robots, Programming of Drone Systems, Tele-Robotics, Secure Data Pipelines, Robot Simulation Frameworks, VR/AR & Speech Interfaces for Robots, ROS/ROS2 Software stacks, Machine Learning for Robots, Robot hardware for Sensor & Actuator Systems, 3D Design and Prototyping for Robotics, Drone Piloting, Game engine programming, GPU Programming. There will be a total of 12 credits allocated to laboratory training with 6 credits for field robotics training in IISc’s Challakere campus & Drones.
20Signal Processing (SP)Jointly conducted by Electrical Engineering  & Electrical Communication EngineeringBE / B Tech or equivalent degree in Electrical or Electrical & Electronics Engineering; Electronics and Communication; Telecommunication.Digital Signal Processing; Image Processing; Signal Compression; Neural Networks; Biomedical Signal Processing; Speech/Audio Info. Processing; Array Processing; Pattern Recognition; Signal Processing for Communication; Sparse Signal Processing; Compressed Sensing Indoor Localization. Detection and Estimation.
21Electronic Product Design (EPD) Electronic Systems EngineringBE/BTech or equivalent degree in EE, EC, ME, INElectronic Product Design, Design for IoT, Embedded Systems, Mechatronic system design, Industrial design, electronic packaging.
22Smart Manufacturing (SM)Design and ManufacturingBE / B Tech or equivalent degree in any discipline or B Des or B.Arch Digital and Smart Manufacturing.
23Bioengineering (BE)Bioengineering (BE)BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in any disciplineBiomechanics, Biomaterials and tissue engineering, Drug delivery systems, Microfluidics, Nanotechnology, Computational biology, Communicable and non-communicable diseases including cancer, Data science in biology, Molecular and medical imaging, Biomedical instrumentation, Diagnostics, Genetic engineering, Vaccine development.

After screening based on the basic qualifications, the selection of candidates for admission to the programmes is through an interview to be held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. To see Important Dates click here.


(a) The names of the Candidates short-listed for the aptitude test/group discussion and interview will be posted on the applicant’s interface on IISc admission portal. Shortlisted candidates can take a print-out of the interview letters from the respective candidate’s LOGIN page and make necessary arrangements for attending the interview. No separate communication will be sent by post.

(b) Candidates called for the aptitude test/group discussion and interview have to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation etc.

(c) Candidates called for the aptitude test/group discussion and interview should bring with them attested copies of all their transcripts (marks cards from SSLC or its equivalent onwards, degree certificates of the qualifying examinations, etc.) and produce them before the interview committee, failing which they will not be interviewed.

(d) The offer letter for the selected candidates will be posted on the Applicant’s interface on the IISc admission portal under the Application Status. They can download the offer letter and make the necessary arrangements including payment of fees etc. No separate communication will be sent by post

(e)  At the time of joining, candidates should have completed all the requirements for the award of the qualifying degree including all examinations, dissertation projects, viva-voce, etc.

(f) Only candidates who produce all the mark sheets and degree certificates (original/provisional) issued by the University Authorities will be given admission.

Programme Details for Admissions 2024-25

Programme Details for Admissions 2023-24