Cryogenic probe station
Tender Notification for the procurement of a Cryogenic probe station (Last Date for submission of tenders: 12th July 2016)
REF: PPH/AVB/180/2016-17
Kindly send your best quotation for the following item on C.I.P. Bangalore basis. Your quotation should clearly indicate the terms of delivery, delivery schedule, E.D., payment terms etc. The tender should be submitted in two separate sealed envelopes – one containing the technical bid and the other containing the commercial bid, both of which should reach us, duly signed on or before 1700 hours 12 July 2016.
Please enclose a compliance certificate along with the technical bid.
Yours Sincerely,
Department of Physics
Specifications of the product:
Cryogenic probe station with the following minimum specifications:
- Probe station stage with minimum sample size of 1 inch by I inch.
- Six micro manipulated stages with minimum 20 micron tip resolution.
- High frequency probes (minimum 1GHz) for the micro manipulated stages
- Provision for probe positioning without disconnecting the probe holder from its electrical feedthrough.
- Appropriate probe tips for high frequency operation – 10 numbers
- Au-coated Tungsten tips of radius 25 µm – 25 numbers
- Flow cryostat operating over the temperature range 4.2K to minimum 400K with a temperature stability of better than 0.2 K over entire temperature range.
- Appropriate temperature sensors for magnet stage, sample stage and probe arms
- Automatic temperature controller for sample stage temperature.
- Superconducting magnet with minimum 2.5 Tesla vertical magnetic field with field homogeneity of at least 1% over 10mm diameter.
- Bipolar four quadrant power supply for the magnet.
- Appropriate helium transfer line with control valve for flow regulation
- 60-liter liquid Helium Dewar
- Appropriate microscope with swing arm and variable illumination for visualizing the sample stage along with CCD camera and LCD screen – minimum resolution of microscope should be 25 microns.
- Quartz sealed window for sample viewing
- Pneumatic vibration isolation stage for the entire system with maximum vibration level of 50 nm or better.
- Appropriate turbo pumping station for evacuating the probe station chamber with dry (oil-free) backing pump.
- Minimum vacuum level in the chamber at room temperature should be 10-6 mbar.
- UPS back-up of 1 hour for entire system – including pumps and magnet power supply.
Terms and conditions:
- The vendor should have a track record of having previously supplied at least five similar equipment in India (please furnish the details).
- The vendor should have qualified technical service personnel for the equipment based in India (preferably in Bangalore).
- The payment will be through confirmed irrevocable Letter of Credit.
- The lead time for the delivery of the equipment should not be more than 3 months from the date of receipt of our purchase order.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Aveek Bid
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore – 560012, India.