Agency Code | Name of Agency |
ADA | Aeronautical Development Agency |
ARB | Armament Research Board |
ARCI | International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials |
ARDB | Aeronautics Research & Development Board |
CPRI | Central Power Research Institute |
DAE | Department of Atomic Energy |
DBT | Department of Biotechnology |
DE | Department of Environment |
DeitY | Department Of Electronics and Information Technology |
DIT | Department of Information Technology |
DM | Department of Mines |
DRDO | Defence Research & Development Organization |
DST | Department of Science & Technology |
IGCAR | Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research |
ISRO | Indian Space Research Organisation |
MHRD | Ministry of Human Resource Develop |
MNES | Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources |
NRB | Naval Research Board |
SERB | Science and Engineering Research Board |
VSSC | Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre |
BCB | British Council Bangalore |
C-DAC | Centre for Development of Advanced Computing |
GOK | Environment & Ecology Department of Forest Government of Karnataka |
AR & DB | Aeronautics Research and Development Board Commonwealth Learning |
CSIR | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research |
DHI | Department of Heavy Industry |
DRDL | Defence Research & Development Laboratory |
GFPE | Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment |
ICAR | Indian Council of Agricultural Research |
ICMR | Indian Council of Medical Research |
IFCPAR | Indo French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research |
IGCAR | Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research |
INCOIS | Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services |
INSA | Indian National Science Academy |
IRDE | Instruments Research & Development Establishment |
ISRO | Indian Space Research Organisation |
MEFC | Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change |
MDWS | Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation |
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