Allotment of Space in the new Shopping Compex

BANGALORE – 560 012

      Indian Institute of Science(IISc) was established in 1909 by a visionary partnership between the industrialist Jamshadji Nusserwanji Tata, the Maharaja of Mysore and the Government of India. The Institute has a highly qualified and internationally acclaimed faculty numbering about 500, a student strength of almost 4000, supporting staff and project staff of about 1000. There are 800 residences and about 60 departments/ units.

       To cater to the needs of the Institute Community a shopping complex was constructed near the residential area housing various facilities such as Pharmacy, Bakery, Tailoring, Women’s Parlour, Men’s saloon, Mother Dairy outlet, Supermarket and laundry. The complex is provided with necessary infrastructure including lift facility. The License fee for  the shops will be at the concessional rate compared to the market rate and a nominal security deposit will be collected.

      The Food Court is located in the second floor with an area of 406.29 sqm (Restaurant Area – 386.49 sqm + 19.8 sqm store and office area).  The Food Court should cater to needs of vegetarians and non vegetarians with multi cuisine facility.

       Individuals/ Agencies having excellent experience in running catering facility may send the complete details in the format provided to Prof. Satish Vasu Kailash, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – 560 012, on or before 26th June 2017. The cover should be superscribed as ‘Expression of Interest for allotment of space for Food Court in the new shopping complex’.