Often mistakenly referred to as the MAY FLOWER, this spectacular ornamental flowering plant does indeed bloom in the month of MAY.
These show stoppers are currently in bloom
at the IISc Horticultural Garden and Nursery.
This stunning eye catcher flower belongs to the Lily Family.
Common name: Blood Lily, Football Lily, Powder puff Lily, also called the PINCUSHION LILY.
Botanical name: Scadoxus multiflorus
Family Amaryllidaceae
Blood lily is a beautiful flowering bulb from tropical Africa. The spectacular flower head is a huge spherical umbel consisting of up to 100 flowers, held clear of the foliage at the end of a solitary stem. Each plant will produce only one flower head in a season. The flower stalk bears a rounded inflorescence, 8-12 cm across. Each flower head is made up of red star shaped flowers.