
Institute Name : Indian Institute of Science Banglore

India Rankings 2017 ID : IR17-I-2-18243

Discipline : Overall

Parameter : Enterpreneurship


S.No. Name of the Student/Alumni/Faculty enterpreneur Graduating year(applicable for student/alumni) Name of the company incubated
1 Mr. Adhiraj Deshpande 2010 Gamma Porite Electrotech Private Limited
2 Prof. Utpal Tatu NA Equine Biotech Private Limited
3 Mr. Nitin Gupta 2013 Sickle Innovations Private Limited
4 Prof. Navakanta Bhat NA Pathshodh Healthcare Private Limited
5 Prof. K. P. J Reddy, Prof. G. Jagadeesh NA Super-Wave Technology Private Limited
6 Dr. Prasad Bhat 2012 Astrome Technologes Private Limited
7 Prof. Sai Siva Gorthi NA Shanmukha innovations Private Limited
8 Dr. Kota Harinarayana NA General Aeronautics Private Limited
9 Prof. S.K Sinha 1984 Lab to Market innovations Private Limited
10 Mr. Usama Ubbasi 2012 Pratimesh Labs Private Limited
11 Prof. B. Gopal NA Hi Tech Biosynth Private Limited ( Virtual )