Construction of CIDR (ANNEXE) Building



Tender Notification No.11/CCMD/AE/2016-17                                                                                                                                 28.06.2016


Sealed item rate tenders in Two cover system(Technical & Financial Bids) accompanied by E.M.D. by way of Crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Registrar, Indian Institute of Science are invited in duplicate from the eligible Registered Class-I Civil Contractors of  CPWD/KPWD/MES/Railways for the following work:-


The Technical Bid & Financial Bid shall be submitted in two separate sealed covers duly super scribed as TECHNICAL & FINANCIAL BID.  These two covers shall be submitted in a single cover duly super scribing the name of the work with name and address of the tenderer  addressed to the Project Engineer cum Estate Officer, CCMD before             upto 3.30 p.m

 Sl. No.

Name of Work

Estimated Cost

(Rs. in lakhs)


Cost of Tender Documents


Time for completion of work

1. Construction of CIDR (ANNEXE) Building







1. Schedule of dates

a) Receipt of application for blank

tender form from the Contractor

along with the cost of tender

documents                                     … upto  14.07.2016   before 5.00.p.m

b)  Issue of blank tender documents

to the Contractors          (Technical and

Financial bid) during office hours   … from  15.07.2016   TO   22.07.2016

c)  Receipt of duly filled tenders along

with EMD enclosed in Technical

bid                                                   …    on   28.07.2016   upto 3.30 p.m

2. The applicant shall submit proof of Registration and VAT Clearance Certificate obtained from concerned department while submitting requisition for issue of tender forms.

3.  Eligible criteria :

a) The agency should have executed a single work of similar nature in Government/Semi-Government costing not less  than 80% of the estimated cost of this  tender work  in any  of the financial year during the preceding five years from 2011-12 to 2015-16

b) The agencies who have executed building works, additions and alteration  works are eligible to obtain the tender documents.

c) The agency should have given a financial turnover with a minimum of Rs.285.00 lakhs     in any two consecutive years in the  preceding five years from 2011-12 to 2015-16.

4. The eligible Contractors satisfying the above conditions can obtain the Tender forms and other related details including specification  an schedule of quantities from theProject Engineer cum Estate Officer, CCMD, IISc after paying the prescribed fee in the form of Demand Draft.

5. The tenderer shall submit the E.M.D in the form of Demand Draft drawn in  favour of the Registrar, IISc along with the technical bid.

6.  Conditional tenders ARE LIABLE TO BE REJECTED

7. The last date for submission of duly filled tender form along with EMD is    28.07.2016   upto  3.30 p.m  and the Technical bid will be opened on the  same  day at 3.30p.m or otherwise the next convenient working day during  office  hours.

8. Financial bid of technically qualified agencies only will be opened. The date and time of opening the Financial bids of  successful  agencies will  be intimated separately.

9. The Work Done Certificate and other certificates enclosed by the agencies are  subject to physical verification  and  document verification  for authenticity

10. The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without  assigning any reasons  thereof.

11. For further details, contact CCMD office, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore during working days.