Tenders from January 2023 to December 2023

  1. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of CMSX-4 alloy powder for use in Direct Energy Deposition (29/12/2023)
  2. Open Global Tender Notification for the procurement of “Automated fluorescence Live cell imaging system inside an incubator” at the Biochemistry Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (26/12/2023)
  3. Request for quote (RFQ) from Global manufacturers for A 400 MHz Solid-State NMR spectrometer probe with optical fiber for light irradiation (26/12/2023)
  4. Open Tender Notification for the procurement of “Lab Water Purification System – Type I & II Water Quality” at the Biochemistry Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (26/12/2023)
  5. Global Tender notification for the procurement of “Bis(ethylcyclopentadienyl)scandium chloride ((EtCp)2ScCl) and MIDGARD bubbler” Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (22/12/2023)
  6. GLOBAL Tender Notification for the procurement of “High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge” at the Biochemistry Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (20/12/2023)
  7. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of “High-Speed Camera” at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (20/12/2023)
  8. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of “6-Axis High-Precision Force-Torque transducers” at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (20/12/2023)
  9. Global Tender Notification for Modular Q-Switched Nd: YAG laser Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.(19/12/2023)
  10. Global Tender Enquiry for 4K Closed-Cycle Cryostat, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.(19/12/2023)
  11. Global tender for the supply of Automated fibre polishing and waveguide polishing system to Indian Institute of Science Bangalore.(19/12/2023)
  12. Global tender for the supply of Optical fibre preparation and processing system to Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (19/12/2023)
  13. Domestic tender notification for the supply of A High Sensitivity Camera at CeNSE, IISc Bangalore. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (19/12/2023)
  14. This is a Request for global quote (RFQ) for procurement of two quantity of Time Correlated Single Photon Counter (TCSPC) and associated software at the department of IAP (19/12/2023)
  15. This is a Request for global quote (RFQ) for procurement of two quantity of 405 nm laser and Ultra-low-noise laser driver with full digital control and associated software at the department of IAP (19/12/2023)
  16. Domestic tender notification for the procurement of Four channel Single Photon Counting Module (SPCM) with detection efficiency of not less than 45 % @810nm and active detection area of at least 150micrometer (19/12/2023)
  17. Domestic tender notification for the procurement of Single Photon Detector Module with more than 60% detection efficiency at 810nm, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (19/12/2023)
  18. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of an Integrated, automated and compact low temperature (1.8 K – 400 K) DC Magnetization with Fiber Optic Probe, AC Susceptibility, Electrical Conductivity, Heat Capacity and Dilution Refrigerator (9T magnet) system and accessories (19/12/2023)
  19. Global Tender Notification for the Supply and installation of “High end operating microscope” at the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (15/12/2023)
  20. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of a vector microwave generator-cum-analyser (29/11/2023) Corrigendum (13/12/2023)
  21. Domestic tender notification for the procurement of Colinear Optical Parametric Amplifier, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.(12/12/2023)
  22. A GeM bidding for procurement of combi oven (11/12/2023)
  23. Domestic Tender:- For the procurement and installation of a Particle Image Velocimetry system at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (11/12/2023)
  24. Tender No: IISc/Tender-IDS-17-04/2022-23 For “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of laboratory furniture in the lower ground floor at the IDR Building in IISc, Bangalore” (14/11/2023) This tender is cancelled. (11/12/2023)
  25. Domestic Tender:-Request for quotation (RFQ) from Indian OEM or its authorized Indian Distributor for The procurement of a research grade vibration isolation optical table (L-shaped) (07/12/2023)
  26. Local Tender Notification from Indian Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or their Indian authorized distributor for procuring “Lipid Nano Particle (LNP) formulation System” at the Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (29/11/2023)
  27. Domestic Tender for Request for quotation for a high-performance computing cluster FOR-IISc Bangalore (14/11/2023) Pre-Bid Clarification for the Domestic Tender
  28. Domestic Tender: For the supply and installation of a narrow gap non-optical cryostat at the quantum materials and interfaces laboratory, CeNSE, IISc Bangalore (22/11/2023)
  29. Domestic Tender:-For the supply and installation of reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) system and its integration onto a molecular beam epitaxy at the quantum materials and interfaces laboratory, CeNSE, IISc Bangalore. (22/11/2023)
  30. Global Tender Notification for procuring and installation of 96-well block open array Real-time PCR system (22/11/2023)
  31. GLOBAL Tender Notification for the procurement of “Inverted Trinocular Epifluorescence Microscope with Imaging System” at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (21/11/2023)
  32. Domestic tender notification for the procurement of an FTIR based exhaust gas analyzer (31/10/2023) The last date extended up to 05th December 2023 (21/11/2023)
  33. Local tender notification for the procurement of a “Cryogen Free Variable Temperature Insert Cryostat with magnet” (26/09/2023) This tender is cancelled. (21/11/2023)
  34. Tender No: IISc/Tender-Fire_Lab-01/2023-24 : For Fire Structural Testing Facility at Indian Institute of Science, Challakere campus at Khudapura, Challakere, Chitradurga District, Karnataka and the meeting will be held online using MS Teams. Click here to attend for the meeting on 07th Novermber 2023 (06/11/2023) and Minutes of Pre-bid Meeting (09/11/2023) Corrigendum-1(20/11/2023) Corrigendum-2(21/11/2023)
  35. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of a multi-channel microwave generator and analyser (12/10/2023) This tender is cancelled. (20/11/2023)
  36. Domestic Tender:-Open Tender Notification for the procurement of “3H-myo-inositol” at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (17/11/2023)
  37. Global Tender Notification for the C103 Niobium alloy plate annealed (17/10/2023) The last date for the submission of the tender extended to 20th November 2023(5PM) (14/11/2023)
  38. Domestic Tender for Collection and Disposal of Battery waste from IISc, Bangalore (13/11/2023)
  40. Open Tender notification for the procurement of Plant Growth Chambers with controlled light (LED) and temperature (TENDER FROM GLOBAL VENDORS)(07/11/2023)
  42. Open Tender Notification for the procurement of “LED light-controlled Plant Growth Chambers” at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (06/11/2023)
  43. Global Tender Notification for the supply and installation of an In-Plane – Out-Of-Plane Electromagnet with Probe Station and Kerr Microscopy System (16/10/2023) The last date for the submission of the tender extended to 14th November 2023 (06/11/2023)
  44. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of a wide bandwidth travelling wave parametric amplifier (13/10/2023) The last date for the submission of the tender extended to 20th November 2023 (06/11/2023)
  45. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of Single photon source measurement setup (03/11/2023)
  46. Domestic tender for the Supply and installation of Automatic Cage Washer at the Central Animal Facility, IISc (02/11/2023)
  47. Global tender for the Supply and installation of Individually Ventilated Cage (IVC) Units at the Central Animal Facility, IISc (02/11/2023)
  48. Domestic Tender Notification for the Supply of EK-U1-ZCU208-V1-G FPGA Board (30/10/2023)
  49. Tender No: IISc/Tender-CIV-08/2023-24 : Proposed Second Floor For Annex Building Of CSA Department at IISc (27/10/2023)
  50. Tender No: IISc/Tender-ELE-04/2023-24 : For Supply Installation Testing and Commissioning of Compact Substation for new buildings in IISc Bangalore (27/10/2023)
  51. Global Tender for the procurement of “Ion pump for Kratos XPS” at the Center for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (27/10/2023)
  52. Request of quotation (for Domestic suppliers) for the procurement of low noise amplifier and isolators in 4-8 GHz frequency range (26/10/2023)
  53. Global Tender Notification for procuring and installation of 96-well block open array Real-time PCR system (23/10/2023)
  54. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of “Automated Inverted Microscope for Cellular Imaging” (20/10/2023)
  55. Global Tender for gallium oxide (Ga2O3) epi-wafer (19/10/2023)
  56. Global Tender notification for the supply and installation of Computer Controlled System (18/10/2023)
  57. Global Tender notification for the supply and installation of Planar Scanner (18/10/2023)
  58. Global Tender notification for the supply and installation of Multi-Tasking System (18/10/2023)
  59. Global Tender for thin-film Piezoelectric (AlN/AlScN) deposited on Metallized Silicon and SOI wafers (18/10/2023)
  60. Domestic Tender for Collection and Disposal of Battery waste from IISc, Bangalore (17/10/2023)
  61. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of a “thin film deposition system” from domestic (India-based) manufacturers (17/10/2023)
  62. Global tender document for the Supply and Installation of Multi-Jet 3D Printer (17/10/2023)
  63. Global tender notification for the procurement of Optical Spectrum Analyzer (17/10/2023)
  64. Request for Quote from Domestic manufacturers for procurement of Bidirectional Programmable DC Power Supply with PV Simulation Software (16/10/2023)
  65. Request for Quote for the supply of a long-working-distance microscope objective (16/10/2023)
  66. Global tender notification for the Procurement of a Tunable Mid-Infrared Laser System (16/10/2023)
  67. Tender Notice for Procurement of a Dual channel low-current sourcing and measurement unit from Domestic Manufacturers (14/10/2023)
  68. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of a femtosecond optical parametric oscillator (OPO) laser unit (12/10/2023)
  69. Global tender notification for the procurement of “Body Plethysmograph System” for the Animal BSL-3 facility in Centre for Infectious Diseases, Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (11/10/2023)
  70. Global Tender Notification for TTS Data hosting service (06/10/2023)
  71. Domestic Tender for “Designing, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Lighting on the Second Floor Terrace Space” at CeNSE, IISc Bengaluru (05/10/2023)
  72. Request for Quote from Domestic manufacturers for the procurement of Fiber-Based Delay Line Interferometer (03/10/2023)
  73. Local tender for “Diagnostic Tests for Blood Biochemistry” (31/08/2023) Corrigendum The last date for the submission of the tender extended to 10th October 2023 (03/10/2023)
  74. Global tender notification for the procurement of a “Cryogenic Temperature Controller” (29/09/2023)
  75. Global Tender notification for the procurement of an “Ultracentrifuge with HEPA filter and necessary rotors” at the Molecular Biophysics Unit in Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (29/09/2023)
  76. Domestic Tender Notification for the supply of a Glove Box at CeNSE, IISc Bangalore (29/09/2023)
  77. Domestic Tender Notification for the supply of a Custom Bonder at CeNSE, IISc Bangalore (29/09/2023)
  78. Global Tender Enquiry for A100 GPUs Cards. Tender Date: September 26, 2023. Bid Submission Closing Date: October 16, 2023 (26/09/2023)
  79. Global tender notification for procuring a “Cryoplunger system for automated vitrification of macromolecules” (26/09/2023)
  80. Domestic Tender for Development of a molecular beam epitaxy unit for deposition of epitaxial thin films of semiconductors (22/09/2023)
  81. Domestic Tender Notice for Procurement of 6-Axis High-Precision Force-Torque transducers (21/09/2023)
  82. Request for quotation from Domestic suppliers for the supply of Optical fibre preparation and processing system (21/09/2023)
  83. Domestic Tender Notification for the Procurement of an Integrated, automated and compact low temperature (1.8 K – 400 K) DC Magnetization with Fiber Optic Probe, AC Susceptibility, Electrical Conductivity, Heat Capacity and Dilution Refrigerator (9T magnet) system and accessories (21/09/2023)
  84. Local tender for Supply and Installation of H100-based GPU System (28/08/2023) Corrigendum (20/09/2023)
  85. Domestic tender notification for the supply of 6-axis articulated robot (20/09/2023)
  86. Domestic tender notification for the supply of Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) system (20/09/2023)
  87. Request for quotation (for Domestic suppliers) for the procurement of turbo-molecular pumps and its accessories (20/09/2023)
  88. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of “High volume stainless steel Carbondioxide incubator for cell culture” at the Biochemistry Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (18/09/2023)
  89. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of “High-volume ultra freezer” at the Biochemistry Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (18/09/2023)
  90. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of a Modular Q-switched Nd: YAG laser (15/09/2023)
  91. Domestic tender notification for the supply of Laser wire deposition head (15/09/2023)
  92. Domestic tender notification for the supply of IR Camera system. (15/09/2023)
  93. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of a Manual Wedge Wire Bonder (15/09/2023)
  94. Domestic Tender Notification for the supply of Bis(ethylcyclopentadienyl)scandium chloride ((EtCp)2ScCl) and MIDGARD bubbler for MOCVD (15/09/2023)
  95. Domestic Tender for the supply of Laser galvo-scanner system (15/09/2023)
  96. Domestic Tender for the procurement of a 4K Closed-cycle Cryostat system (15/09/2023)
  97. Request for quotation (RFQ) from Indian OEM or its authorized Indian Distributor for the procurement of a femtosecond pulse picker accessory unit (14/09/2023)
  98. Domestic tender notification for the procurement of Vibration-Isolated Optical Table (14/09/2023)
  99. Domestic tender notification of dual-line camera spectrometer system with high-speed data acquisition (14/09/2023)
  100. Domestic tender notification of High Precision Linear Stage electronics (14/09/2023)
  101. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of “Automated Agarose gel electrophoresis preparative grade for DNA sequencing and size selection” (13/09/2023)
  102. Global Tender Enquiry for the supply of 2 numbers of Lock-In-Amplifiers at CeNSE, IISc, Bangalore (12/09/2023)
  103. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of “Automated fluorescence Live cell imaging system inside an incubator” at the Biochemistry Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (12/09/2023)
  104. Request for Quotation (RFQ) from Domestic manufacturers for “Current measurement system for nanopore sequencing” (12/09/2023)
  105. Domestic Tender Notification for the supply of 1 KW programmable fibre laser (12/09/2023)
  106. Request for quote (RFQ) from Domestic manufacturers for a 400 MHz Solid-State NMR spectrometer probe with optical fiber for light irradiation (08/09/2023)
  107. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Millikelvin dilution refrigerator setup (04/09/2023)
  108. Domestic Tender Notification for Procurement of a MWIR camera (04/09/2023)
  109. Domestic tender for the Supply and Installation of Planar Scanner (21/08/2023) Last date for the submission of the tender extended to 8th September 2023 (01/09/2023)
  110. Local tender notification for the procurement of a computer controlled universal testing machine (01/09/2023)
  111. Domestic tender for the Supply and Installation of Computer Controlled System (22/08/2023) Last date for the submission of the tender extended to 8th September 2023 (01/09/2023)
  112. Domestic tender for the Supply and Installation of Multi-Tasking System (22/08/2023) Last date for the submission of the tender extended to 8th September 2023 (01/09/2023)
  113. Domestic tender for 40 mW cw diode laser system with central wavelength of 405nm (30/08/2023)
  114. Local tender for the supply of RF spectrum analyser to Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (30/08/2023)
  115. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of a carbon dioxide incubator (21/08/2023) Corrigendum (30/08/2023)
  116. Local tender for Multi-channel Time Correlated Single Photon Counter (TCSPC) (29/08/2023)
  117. Local tender for the supply of Photonic integrated circuit active assembly, glueing and testing system to Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (29/08/2023)
  118. Local tender for the supply of Automated fibre polishing and waveguide polishing system to Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (29/08/2023)
  119. Local tender for the supply of Tunable Laser and multi-channel photodetector to Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (29/08/2023)
  120. Local tender for the supply of Infrared imaging camera to Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (29/08/2023)
  121. Local tender for the supply of RF analog signal generator to Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (29/08/2023)
  122. Local tender for the supply of Four-channel arbitrary waveform generator to Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (29/08/2023)
  123. Domestic tender for the supply of Surface Mechanical Attrition Technique (SMAT) set up (28/08/2023)
  124. Global tender for the Supply of Two Identical High-Speed Cameras (24/08/2023)
  125. Domestic Tender for collection and safe disposal of chemical wastes from IISc Bangalore (23/08/2023)
  126. Global tender for Picosecond pulsed laser system at 450nm.(23/08/2023)
  127. Global Tender Notification for the supply of Wireless High-Density Surface Electromyographic System (Electrophysiology System)(22/08/2023)
  128. Global Tender Notification for the supply of Transcranial Electrical Stimulation device (Electrophysiology System)(22/08/2023)
  129. Request for quote for the supply of Current Source And Nanovoltmeter System (18/08/2023)
  130. “An Automated Flash Chromatography System” for the Animal BSL-3 facility in Centre for Infectious Diseases of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (17/08/2023)
  131. “Laser Based Dissection Microscope” for the Animal BSL-3 facility in Centre for Infectious Diseases of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (17/08/2023)
  132. Domestic tender notification for the procurement of Photoelastic Modulator with Controller (17/08/2023)
  133. Request for quotation (RFQ) from Indian OEM or its authorized Indian Distributor for the procurement of a femtosecond optical parametric oscillator (OPO) laser unit (Last Date for submission of tenders: 7th September’2023) (16/08/2023)
  134. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of Cryo-Free Cryogenic Probe Station (19/07/2023) Last date for the submission of the tender extended to August 23, 2023 (16/08/2023)
  135. Open Tender Notification for the procurement of “High-Speed Camera” at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (14/08/2023)
  136. Local Tender for thin-film Piezoelectric (AlN/AlScN) deposited on Metallized Silicon and SOI wafers (11/08/2023)
  137. GeM Bidding for the procurement of mini gym items (10/08/2023)
  138. Global Tender for a Micro Motion Analyzer (10/08/2023)
  139. Global tender notification for the procurement of “Flow cytometry with cell sorter” at the Evolutionary Venomics Lab, Center for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (08/08/2023)
  140. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of a multi-Input/Output microwave packing for ultra-low temperature application (08/08/2023)
  141. Notice Inviting Tender Supply and Installation of Multi-Jet 3D Printer Tender No: CPDM/ACB/2023-24/007 (04/08/2023)
  142. NOTICE INVITING TENDER under the two-cover bid format for Supply of Signal Generator at DESE, IISc Bangalore (02/08/2023)
  143. Global Tender notification for the procurement of a “Cryogenic Temperature Controller” (01/08/2023)
  144. TENDER FOR PROVIDING FACILITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES AT NEW BOYS & GIRLS HOSTEL BLOCKS IN IISc, BANGALORE and Pre-bid meeting link (21/07/2023) pre-bid clarification document (01/08/2023)
  145. Domestic tender notification for the procurement of-ELECTROPOLISHING SETUP (31/07/2023)
  146. Domestic Tender – Request for Quote and Specifications of gallium oxide (Ga2O3)epi-wafer (31/07/2023)
  147. Domestic tender notification for the procurement of- VERTICAL DIAMOND WIRE SAW SETUP (12/07/2023) The last date for submission extended till Friday 8th August 2023 (31/07/2023)
  148. Domestic tender notification for the procurement of – HIGH TEMPERATURE ACCESSORIES FOR EXISTING CREEP FATIGUE SETUP (06/07/2023) The last date for submission extended till Friday 8th August 2023 (31/07/2023)
  149. RFQ from domestic (India-based) manufacturers only for procurement of 6 nos. of 50 km single-mode fibre spools (deadline: August 14th, 2023) (24/07/2023)
  150. Local Tender Notification for Variable speed Scroll compressor with brushless direct current controller at DCCC, IISc Bangalore (21/07/2023)
  151. Notice Inviting Global Tender for: Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Training of a High-resolution Field Emission SEM with optional dual or large area EDS detector and mineral/resource mapping facility at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (07/07/2023) Corrigendum (20/07/2023)
  152. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of β-Ga2O3 Epitaxial Wafers (19/07/2023)
  153. Global Tender Notification for Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr alloy powder – 20 Kgs (18/07/2023)
  154. Global Tender notification for the Procurement of GC-MS (17/07/2023)
  155. Global Tender Enquiry for Cryogen free He3 cryostat with at least 8 T magnetic field (17/07/2023)
  156. Global Tender notification for the Procurement of HPLC System (Analytical cum semipreparative) with PDA Detector (17/07/2023)
  157. NOTICE INVITING GLOBAL TENDER for “Supply and installation of L-Shaped Antivibration Optical Table system” (13/07/2023)
  158. NOTICE INVITING GLOBAL TENDER for “Supply and installation of femtosecond oscillator-amplifier laser system” (13/07/2023)
  159. Local tender notification for “Supply and Installation of Infrastructure for Data Centre Room” in Supercomputer Education and Research Centre (SERC), IISc, Bangalore. Published as e-tender in CPPP. Tender ID: 2023_IISC_761053_1, Tender reference no: IISc/Purchase/SERC/2023/DataCenter/1 (Due date for bid submissions: August 7, 2023) (13/07/2023)
  160. Global Tender notification for the procurement of a “Scanning system with coarse and fine piezo stages for probing 2D materials” (13/07/2023)
  161. Tender notification for providing Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy for IISc Students Project Staff Temporary Staff (20/06/2023) Addendum (22/06/2023) Pre-bid clarification documents and Notice (01/07/2023) Addendum-3 (07/07/2023) Retender (11/07/2023)
  162. Domestic tender notification for Vibration-isolated L-shape Optical Table (19/05/2023) This tender is cancelled. (11/07/2023)
  163. NOTICE INVITING TENDER under the two-cover bid format for Supply of REFERENCE DESIGN KITv2 – IMX636 720P-CD to DESE, IISc Bangalore (11/07/2023)
  164. Global Tender Notification for procurement of Optical Fiber processing unit consisting of Specialty Fiber Fusion Splicer and Fiber Recoater with capability of large diameter, polarization maintaining and Photonic Crystal fiber types (11/07/2023)
  165. Global Tender Enquiry, for the supply and installation of a Vacuum Soldering Bonder for CeNSE, IISc Bangalore.(23/06/2023) Corrigendum (11/07/2023)
  166. Global Tender Notification for the Supply of Two Identical High-Speed Cameras (11/07/2023)
  167. Tender Notification for the Procurement of Fast Response K Type Co-axial Thermocouples (07/07/2023)
  168. Tender Notification for the Procurement of Water-cooled Dynamic Pressure Transducers and Compatible Signal Conditioners (07/07/2023)
  169. Notice Inviting Open Tender for: Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Training of a Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Florescence Spectrometer (WD-XRF) facility at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (06/07/2023)
  170. Global tender notification for the procurement of “an Electron Multiplying CCD (EMCCD)(06/07/2023)
  171. Request of quotation (for Domestic suppliers) for the procurement of a wide bandwidth travelling wave parametric amplifier (06/07/2023)
  172. Global Tender Enquiry for the supply of 2 numbers of Lock-In-Amplifiers at CeNSE, IISc Bangalore (05/07/2023)
  173. Global Tender Enquiry for the supply of a Scanning Fabry Perot Interferometer Setup with Accessories at CeNSE, IISc Bangalore (05/07/2023)
  174. Global Tender Enquiry for the supply of an RF Generator / Source at CeNSE, IISc Bangalore.(05/07/2023)
  175. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of CW Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer (both X band and Q band) with Liquid Nitrogen Cryostat and Accessories The last date for submission extended till Friday 18th August 2023 (05/07/2023)
  176. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of a Dilatometer setup (05/07/2023)
  177. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of High-Speed Camera at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru (05/07/2023)
  178. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of “Spinning disc confocal head, Solid state lasers with a combiner and Real time controller of the existing widefield microscope” at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (04/07/2023)
  179. Domestic Tender Notification for the Procurement of a Gas Analyzer (02/07/2023)
  180. Tender Notification for the Procurement of a mass flow controller calibration bench (02/07/2023)
  181. Tender notification for providing Group Mediclaim (Family Floater) Insurance Policy for IISc. Employees / Pensioners and their dependent family members. (20/06/2023) Addendum (22/06/2023) Pre-bid clarification documents and Notice (01/07/2023)
  182. Request for proposal ie, Expression of Interest for operating Vayu Vihar canteen at Dept of Aerospace Building, IISc Campus (30/06/2023)
  183. Request for Quote to the supply and installation of an In-Plane – Out-Of-Plane Electromagnet with Probe Station and Kerr Microscopy System at the Materials Engineering department, IISc Bangalore (27/06/2023)
  184. Tender for Supply of Oscilloscope at DESE, IISc Bangalore (26/06/2023)
  185. NOTICE INVITING DOMESTIC TENDER Supply and installation of clean room facility in IAP(23/06/2023)
  186. Automated Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC) System for research laboratory uses (20/06/2023)
  187. NOTICE INVITING TENDER under the two-cover bid format for Supply of Multifunctional Signal Source Analyzer at DESE, IISc Bangalore (19/06/2023)
  188. Tenders for supply of Mechanical test system with fixtures and accessories capable of carrying out standard tension, compression, bending and fracture tests under monotonic and cyclic loading (29/05/2023) Revised document (16/06/2023)
  189. RFQ (Request for Quote) for procurement of a HF vaporizer system as part of a limited tender for the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE) at IISc, Bangalore. (07/06/2023) Corrigendum (15/06/2023)
  190. Request of quotation (for Domestic suppliers) for the procurement of a multi-channel microwave generator and analyser (15/06/2023)
  191. TENDER DOCUMENT for Fabrication and commissioning of shock tube for animal studies (13/06/2023)
  192. “Package-3 Civil Finishing Works for IISc Medical School Foundation at IISc Campus, Bangalore” (13/06/2023)
  193. Ultra High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph – Quadrupole Time of Flight -High Resolution Mass Spectrometer (UHPLC- QTOF -HRMS) for Chemical Sciences Division (30/05/2023) Corrigendum (13/06/2023)
  195. Request for Quote (India based vendors only) for the procurement of a semiconductor characterization system. (Last date: 3 July 2023) (12/06/2023)
  196. RFQ from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, for the supply of RIE (Reactive Ion Etcher) to National Nanofabrication centre, CeNSE, IISc Bangalore (12/06/2023)
  197. Domestic Tender for HPC computing Cluster (29/05/2023) Corrigendum (07/06/2023)
  198. Request for quote (RFQ) from domestic (India-based) manufacturers only for procurement of a Tunable Mid-Infrared Laser System (Deadline: 20-06-2023) (06/06/2023)
  199. Domestic Tender Notice for Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of HighPerformance Computing Nodes (02/06/2023)
  200. Procurement of Active (rare-earth doped) and passive optical fibers for fiber lasers as part of a limited tender for the Department of Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE) at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (15/05/2023) The last date extended up to 10-06-2023 (01/06/2023)
  201. GeM Bidding for procurement of items for Students’ Guest House (31/05/2023)
  202. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of a cryogen free dilution refrigerator (DR) with coaxial wiring (30/05/2023)
  203. Tenders for supply of Mechanical test system with fixtures and accessories capable of carrying out standard tension, compression, bending and fracture tests under monotonic and cyclic loading (29/05/2023) Revised document
  204. Request for Quote and Specifications from Indian Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or their Indian authorized distributor for the procurement of AlGaN/GaN HEMT on Si Wafers Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (26/05/2023)
  205. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) from Eligible Architects/Architectural Firms TO Design & Drawing for the Upgradation of Sathish Dhawan Auditorium IISc Campus. (25/05/2023)
  206. Tender Notification for the procurement of “High Resolution Atomic Force Microscope for Biological and Biomaterials Applications” at Department of PHYSICS, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (23/05/2023)
  207. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) from Eligible Electrical Consultant TO SITC of 12.5 MVA Power Transformer and associated works in 66 KV Main Receiving Station (MRS) at IISc, Bangalore (23/05/2023)
  208. Local tender notification for “Supply and Installation of Servers for Data Analysis, Pre and Post Processing, and Visualization” in Supercomputer Education and Research Centre (SERC), IISc, Bangalore. (Due date for bid submissions: May 29, 2023) (09/05/2023) Corrigendum (23/05/2023)
  209. Domestic Tender for Collection & Safe Disposal of Chemical Wastes from IISc Bangalore. (22/05/2023)
  210. Tender notification for the procurement of a “CPU-based compute nodes to add to the existing High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster” Deadline for tender submission: 5:00pm, 12th June, 2023 (19/05/2023)
  211. Notice Inviting Open Tender for: Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Training of a Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Florescence Spectrometer (WD-XRF) facility at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (11/05/2023) Corrigendum (18/05/2023)
  212. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) from DIGITS, IISc for Mobile Application Development Services (13/04/2023) Corrigendum – 1 (20/04/2023) Meeting link for clarification session (26/04/2023) Corrigendum – 2 (04/05/2023) Corrigendum-3 (12/05/2023) Mobile Application Development Services (revised) and Corrigendum – 4 (16/05/2023)
  213. Tender notification for the procurement of a “LCR meter” from domestic (Indiabased) manufacturers (16/05/2023)
  214. Tender For Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Audio-Video system, Stage lighting and Curtains in TATA Auditorium (NSSC) at IISc, Bangalore. (16/05/2023)
  215. Procurement of High-Power Wavelength Division Multiplexers (WDMs) as part of a limited tender for the Department of Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE) at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (15/05/2023)
  216. Procurement of Low Power FBG Stabilized Laser Diodes and their Temperature and Current controllers for fiber amplifiers as part of a limited tender for the Department of Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE) at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (15/05/2023)
  217. Procurement of Electro Optic Phase Modulators as part of a limited tender for the Department of Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE) at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (15/05/2023)
  218. Tender notification for the Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Training of a High-resolution Field Emission SEM with optional dual large EDS detector and mineral/resource mapping facility at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (03/05/2023) Corrigendum (13/05/2023)
  219. Domestic Tender for TCSPC Photoluminescence Spectrometer (12/05/2023)
  220. Tenders for supply of “Plates of Niobium alloys C 103” for additive manufacturing using the direct energy deposition process. (12/05/2023)
  221. Tender for Construction of Light Weight Roofed Steel Structure for Facilitating Badminton Courts at IISc (12/05/2023)
  222. Domestic tender notification for the Procurement of HPLC System (Analytical cum semipreparative) with PDA Detector. (12/05/2023)
  223. Domestic tender notification for the Procurement of two port glove box with freezer (12/05/2023)
  224. Local tender for Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) precursor (TrimethylAluminum) (12/05/2023)
  225. Domestic Tender Notification for the Procuremento f an EMCCD Scientific camera (Last Date for Submission: 31st May 2023) (12/05/2023)
  226. Tender notification for the procurement of Plant Growth Chambers with controlled light (LED) and temperature (12/05/2023)
  227. NOTICE INVITING TENDER under the two-cover bid format for Supply of Optical Spectrum Analyzer to DESE, IISc Bangalore (12/05/2023)
  228. Tender Notification for the Procurement of CW Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer (both X band and Q band) with Liquid Nitrogen Cryostat and Accessories (Last Date for Submission: Tuesday, May 30th, 2023) (11/05/2023)
  229. Tender Notification for procuring an automated low-volume isothermal titration calorimeter (ITC) at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (11/05/2023)
  230. RFQ (Request for Quote) for setting up a central glove box facility as part of a limited tender for the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE) at IISc, Bangalore. (11/05/2023)
  231. Tenders for supply of “Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr alloy powder” (08/05/2023)
  232. Pre – Bid “Expression of Interest” from Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology (08/05/2023)
  233. Request for Quote from Indian Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or their Indian authorized distributor for the procurement of Cryo-Free Cryogenic Probe Station Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (03/05/2023)
  234. Tender Notification for the procurement of “LED light-controlled Plant Growth Chambers” at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (01/05/2023)
  235. Tender notification for the procurement of tunable repetition-rate amplified femtosecond laser system (29/04/2023)
  236. Global Tender notification for the procurement of a Cryogen free He3 cryostat with magnet (31/03/2023) Last date has been extended up to 15/05/2022 (28/04/2023)
  237. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of HPLC System with PDA & RI Detectors(26/04/2023)
  238. Request for Quote from Indian Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or their Indian authorized distributor for Ăź-Ga203 epitaxial wafers Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (26/04/2023)
  239. Request for Quote (RFQ) from domestic (India-based) vendors for the supply of a Scanning Fabry Perot Interferometer Setup with Accessories at CeNSE, IISc Bangalore. (26/04/2023)
  240. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of “Confocal Microscope with Live Imaging setup” at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (25/04/2023)
  241. Tender Notification for the procurement of “Lab Water Purification System – Type I & II Water Quality” at the Biochemistry Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (24/04/2023)
  242. Tender Notification for the procurement of “High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge” at the Biochemistry Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (21/04/2023)
  243. Annual Operation and Maintenance of 2 X 500 KLD STP and 1 X 100 KLD ETP at IISc., Bangalore (20/04/2023)
  244. Annual Operation and Maintenance of Water Supply and distribution System at IISc Bangalore (20/04/2023)
  245. Request of quotation (for Domestic suppliers) for the procurement of a multi-Input/Output microwave packing for ultra-low temperature application (19/04/2023)
  246. Supply and Installation of Office Furniture at IDR Building in IISc, Bangalore” Last date : 9th May 2023 (18/04/2023)
  247. TENDER DOCUMENT For Annual Operation and Maintenance of HT & LT Electrical installations in IISc Campus, Bangalore (17/04/2023)
  248. Request for Quote (RFQ) from domestic (India-based) vendors for the supply of 2 numbers of Lock-In-Amplifiers at CeNSE, IISc Bangalore. (13/04/2023)
  249. Request for Quote (RFQ) from domestic (India-based) vendors for the supply of an RF Generator / Source at CeNSE, IISc Bangalore. (13/04/2023)
  250. Request for Quote (RFQ) from domestic (India-based) vendors for the supply of a Wavelength Meter at CeNSE, IISc Bangalore. (13/04/2023) This tender is cancelled. (15/06/2023)
  254. Tender notification for the procurement of a “closed cycle cryostat” (13/04/2023)
  255. Request for Quote (India based vendors only) for the procurement of a pulsed laser deposition system (Last date: 3rd May 2023) (12/04/2023)
  256. Tender notification for the procurement of a “scanning system with coarse and fine piezo stages for probing 2D materials.” (10/04/2023)
  257. Local tender notification for purchase of NVIDIA A100 80 GB PCIe GPUs for a joint (CAOS-CSA-CDS) DST-SERB project “High performance simulations and visualization for fine-resolution ocean modelling in Department of Computational and Data Sciences, IISc, Bangalore. (Due date for bid submissions: April 26, 2023) (05/04/2023).
  258. Procurement of an Optical Fiber processing unit with capability for large diameter and polarization maintaining fibers as part of a limited tender for the Department of Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE) (03/04/2023)
  259. Tender Notification for Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 10 Person passenger lift in Materials Engineering Department at IISC Bangalore (31/03/2023)
  260. Tender Notification for the Procurement of Two Identical High Speed Cameras (Last Date for Submission: 15th April 2023) (31/03/2023)
  261. Global Tender notification for the procurement of a Van der Waals transfer system (31/03/2023)
  262. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Upright Polarizing Microscope with Heating and Cooling Stage at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru (27/03/2023)
  263. Global tender notification for the procurement of Automated, Inverted, Fluorescent live cell Imaging Microscopy system for the Animal BSL-3 facility in Centre for Infectious Diseases of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (20/03/2023)
  266. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Histopathology Automated Tissue Processor & Slide Stainer at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (14/03/2023)
  267. Tender notification for the procurement of CMSX-4 alloy powder for use in Direct Energy Deposition (Last date:31.03.2023) (13/03/2023)
  268. Proposal for Procurement of Dilatometer setup Domestic (India-based) Manufacturers (13/03/2023)
  270. NOTICE INVITING DOMESTIC TENDER Supply and installation of femtosecond oscillator-amplifier laser system (10/03/2023)
  271. Tender notification for Providing High Mast Flood Lighting for Cricket, Football and Hockey grounds (17/02/2023) Corrigendum (09/03/2023)
  273. NOTICE INVITING DOMESTIC TENDER Supply and installation of L-Shaped Antivibration Optical Table system (03/03/2023)
  274. RFQ – Cryogenic_Temperature_controller (28/02/2023)
  275. Request for quote (RFQ) from Indian Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or their Indian authorized distributor (28/02/2023)
  276. NOTICE INVITING TENDER under the two-cover bid format for Supply and Installation of Master Node, Compute Node and GPU Cards at IISc Bangalore [M.Tech. (AI) Labs] (27/02/2023)
  277. Request for Quote (RFQ) for the procurement of HighSpeed Camera from Domestic (India-based)
    Manufacturers (24/02/2023)
  278. NOTICE INVITING TENDER under the two-cover bid format for Supply of Cadence IC & System Software License to DESE, IISc Bangalore (23/02/2023)
  279. Domestic tender notification for the procurement of “640-core high performance compute nodes” (Last date: 15th March 2023 by 5:00pm) (16/02/2023)
  280. Notice Inviting Open Tender for Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Training of an Microwave Digestion System (16/02/2023)
  281. Request for Quote (India based vendors only) for the procurement of a Ferroelectric Test system for Thin film measurement with various FE-Module Standard measurements system. Last date: 8th March 2023 (15/02/2023)
  282. Tender notification for “Supply and Installation of Office Furniture” (15/02/2023)
  283. Request for Quote (RFQ) for the procurement of Upright Polarizing Microscope with Heating and Cooling Stage from Domestic (India-based) Manufacturers (14/02/2023)
  284. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of “Histopathology Microtome & Tissue Embedding Station” (07/02/2023)
  285. Tender notification for supply of High End Inverted Motorized Microscope with Wide field of View having FRAP technology with Live Imaging Facility (06/02/2023)
  286. Tender notification for supply of “Infrared Camera” from domestic (India-based) manufacturers (12/01/2023) Modified. Last date 3rd Feb 2023 (01/02/2023) Revised Last date 10th Feb 2023 (03/02/2023)
  287. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of a cryogen free dilution refrigerator(DR)with coaxial wiring (Last date – 16 Jan-2023) (22/12/2022) Revised last date – 23 Jan 2023 (16/01/2023) The tender ref no: PH/VBSI/538/2022-23 dated 22nd Dec 2022 has been cancelled due to administrative reasons.
  288. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) from Eligible Architects/Architectural Firms to Design & Drawing for the Additional Wing at Chemical Engineering Department in the IISc Campus (11/01/2023)
  289. Request For Quote for the procurement of “an Electron Multiplying CCD (EMCCD)” from domestic (India-based) manufacturers (11/01/2023)
  290. Request for a quote (RFQ) from Global manufacturers or their authorized Indian distributor for the procurement of High-performance liquid chromatography (RI and UV detectors) (10/01/2023)
  291. Request for a quote (RFQ) from domestic (India-based) manufacturers or their authorized Indian distributor for the procurement of High-Pressure Bench-Top Multi-batch Stirred Reactors (10/01/2023)
  292. Tender notification for running a Super market at IISc, Bangalore (09/01/2023)
  293. Domestic Tender notification for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 2 x 750 KVA Diesel Generator set at new Chemical Sciences building in IISc, Bangalore (05/01/2022)
  294. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of a “Proprietary PanPrecipitation module” (Last date:17.01.2023) (03/01/2023)
  295. Request for Quote from Indian Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or their Indian authorized distributor for the procurement of Single-Tube Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) System (02/01/2023)