Winning performance by IISc in the 2020 Simon Marais Mathematics Competition

Students from the Indian Institute of Science competed in the 2020 Simon Marais Mathematics Competition, and have performed excellently. The competition is held all across the Asia-Pacific region annually (website: IISc was ranked in the top quartile (which was the top team ranking announced for 2020), comprising ten institutions, and was the only institution from India with a top ranking.

Other highlights:
1) Anish Hebbar, Chinmay S.I., Pulkit Sinha, and a fourth participant, who wishes to remain anonymous, were ranked in the top decile (among 587 contestants) in the individual competition.
2) The team comprising Sai Sanjeev Balakrishnan and E. Shreepranav Varma were ranked in the top decile in the pairs competition.