Congratulations to the following faculty members who have received the Dr APJ Abdul Kalam High Performance Computing (HPC) awards for the year 2025.
(1) Prof. Govindarajan Ramaswamy (CSA, SERC) [Lifetime achievement award- HPC R& D and Facilities] — For contributions dedicated to HPC R&D and creation and maintenance of HPC facilities in India.
(2) Prof. Vijay Natarajan (CSA) [Researcher Award – R&D in HPC Systems (Hardware and Software)] — For contributions to high-performance visualization, particularly in developing algorithms for topological feature extraction and large data visualization.
(3) Dr. Phani Motamarri (CDS) [Young Researcher Award –R&D in HPC Applications] — For contributions to high-performance computing in computational material science, particularly through the development of accurate, efficient and scalable computational methods for ab initio modelling of materials on emerging computing architectures.
(4) Dr. Konduri Aditya (CDS) [Young Researcher Award –R&D in HPC Applications] — For his contributions in the development of scalable asynchronous numerical methods and their implementation into massively parallel flow solvers, for developing novel machine-learning based techniques to accelerate HPC solvers towards application of large-scale simulations in understanding fundamental flow-chemistry interactions in combustion phenomena relevant to gas turbine and scramjet engines.
The awards are meant to recognise outstanding contributions in the field of High-Performance Computing (HPC) in India. This is an annual event entering its eight year in 2025. The awards celebrate individuals at the forefront of HPC-driven advancements across multiple domains. Named after former President, renowned scientist and Bharat Ratna Dr APJ Abdul Kalam and brought together by Hewlett Packard Enterprise, this is a prestigious HPC Industry award honoring outstanding contributions to High-Performance Computing in India and decided by an illustrious panel of jury members.
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