IISc in Numbers

  • Faculty Members
  • Students
  • Postdoctoral Researchers
  • Staff
  • Accolades
  • Courses
  • Patent
  • Publications
  • Startups
  • IoE

Faculty Members on roll as of  1st  March 2024

Biological Sciences 75
Chemical Sciences 46
Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Sciences 81
Interdisciplinary Research 65
Mechanical Sciences 132
Physical and Mathematical Sciences 80
Division of Medical Sciences 2
Total 481

Students on Roll as of 1st February 2024

Bachelor of Science (Res) 423
B Tech 110
Master of Science 126
M Des 49
Int Ph.D. 379
M Tech 1602
M Mgt 37
M Tech(research) 109
MS (Downgrade) 87
Ph.D 2364
Total 5286
[supsystic-table-diagram id=’65’]

Admin Staff as of 31st January 2023

Group B 49
Group C 165

Courses offered during Aug-Dec 2023 and Jan-Apr 2024

Divisions 100 Level 200 Level 300 Level 400 Level 500 Level Total
Academic & Research 16 1 17
Dean Under-graduate Prgramme 39 52 28 10 7 136
Division of Biological Sciences 5 56 11 70
Division of Chemical Sciences 11 15 26
Division of EECS 127 20 147
Division of Interdisciplinary Research 89 16 105
Division of Mechanical Sciences 208 6 214
Division of Physical and Math. Sciences 56 48 104
M.Tech. Online Program 28 28
Support & Services under the Director 3 3
Grand Total 42 646 144 11 7 850

Publications –  January to December -2023

Division Journal Articles Conference Proceedings Book Chapters Total
Biological Sciences 420 4 12 436
Chemical Sciences 361 1 14 377
Electrical, Electronic & Computer Sciences 247 250 9 506
Interdisciplinary Research 424 89 32 546
Mechanical Sciences 878 162 56 1096
Physical & Mathematical Sciences 532 24 8 565
Autonomous Society/centre 25 0 2 27
Centres under Director 0 0 0 0
UG Studies 11 2 0 13
Total 2898 532 133 3566

Startups as of February 2024

*The numbers includes the startups under TBIs as well

Startups Incubated so far 96
Startups Graduated so far 40
Startups Currently under incubation 56

The Indian Institute of Science (IISc), established in 1909, is India’s premier institute for advanced research and education in all branches of science and engineering. In October 2018, IISc entered into an MoU with the then Ministry of Human Resource Development (now Ministry of Education, MoE) to operationalise its status as an Institution of Eminence. IoE Website link