SpringerMaterials Database: A Talk-cum-Demo

Location: #102, Department of Computational and Data Sciences (SERC) Seminar Hall

JRD Tata Library is happy to organise a training session on SpringerMaterials Database for the benefit of Researchers at the Institute. The training session will be led by Ms. Evelyn Archery, Springer’s global product manager for the SpringerMaterials database.

The database can be accessed at the URL, http://materials.springer.com/

Springer Materials is a comprehensive database for identifying materials’ properties and covers data from materials science, physics, physical and inorganic chemistry, engineering and other related fields.

The platform is aimed at academic and governmental institutions with a research focus on materials science, physics, chemistry, and engineering, and is supporting research and development in corporate organizations in the fields of bulk and fine chemical manufacturing, petroleum and petrochemicals, semiconductors and electronic materials, optical metals, ceramics, polymer synthesis and processing, and materials for fuels and energy application.

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