M. Mgt. Programme 23-24

Master of Management Programme (M.Mgt)

The Department of Management Studies at IISc offers the Master of Management program to give exposure and training in Management and Business Analytics. Please visit the Department of Management Studies website for details of the curriculum.

You should apply through the Online Admissions Applications Portal. Instructions for the portal are provided here.

Important deadlines, click here to view

Fee structure, click here to view.

Candidates with a BE/ B Tech degree, with a First Class, and must have qualified in GATE  2021/2022/2023 and hold a valid GATE score card, or CAT 2022 or GMAT with a valid score card having validity as on 1st August 2023.

Sl.No.DepartmentIntakeQualification with required gate paper (in brackets)Areas of study
   1.Management Studies (MG)15BE / B Tech  or equivalent degree (with a valid GATE or CAT or GMAT).Business Analytics

After screening based on GATE 2022/2023 /2024 / CAT 2023 /GMAT scores, interview will be conducted between 15 – 19, April 2024. Selection will be based on your performance in CAT/GATE/GMAT-15% + UG performance-15% + Communication skill-30% + Interview-40%


(a) The names of the Candidates short-listed for the aptitude test/group discussion and interview will be posted on the applicant’s interface on IISc admission porta. Shortlisted candidates can take a print-out of the interview letters from the respective candidate’s LOGIN page and make necessary arrangements for attending the interview. No separate communication will be sent by post.

(b) Candidates called for the aptitude test/group discussion and interview have to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation etc.

(c) Candidates called for the aptitude test/group discussion and interview should bring with them attested copies of all their transcripts (marks cards from SSLC or its equivalent onwards, degree certificates of the qualifying examinations, etc.) and produce them before the interview committee, failing which they will not be interviewed.

(d) Candidates belonging to the SC/ST category should bring the original caste/tribe certificate, issued by a competent authority for the purposes of verification.

(e) OBC candidates belonging to the non creamy layer (as listed in the Central list) must produce the valid OBC-NCL certificate issued on or after 1st April, 2024 by a competent authority at the time of interview

(f) If you belong to Economically Weaker Section (EWS) – you must produce the original Income and Asset Certificate issued on or after 01 April 2024 by the competent authority

(g) Candidates belonging to the PwD (persons with disability) and KM (Kashmiri-Migrants) categories should produce the originals of the appropriate certificates, issued as per Government of India rules, and Kashmiri Pandit/Kashmiri Hindu Family living in Kashmiri valley should produce Kashmiri valley domicle certificate

(h) The offer letter for the selected candidates will be posted on the Applicant’s interface on the IISc admission portal under the Application Status. They can download the offer letter and make the necessary arrangements including payment of fees etc. No separate communication will be sent by post

(i)  At the time of joining, candidates should have completed all the requirements for the award of the qualifying degree including all examinations, dissertation projects, viva-voce, etc.

(j) Only candidates who produce all the mark sheets and degree certificates (original/provisional) issued by the University Authorities will be given admission.

Programme Details for Admissions 2023-24