“AI for Good” Key note Talk by Dr Werner Vogels, CTO, AWS; at Faculty Hall @ 3.30 pm

Title: AI for Good
 Speaker: Dr Werner  Vogels, CTO, AWS
Date and Time: 18th September, 2019 at 3:30 pm
Venue: Faculty Hall
In this keynote, Dr. Werner Vogels will shed light on global applications of AI, through the lens of UN SDGs relating to climate, hunger and health. Dr. Vogels will share perspectives on the data and hardware underpinning today’s AI technologies, and the benefits of democratized access. With a focus on the Global South and impact-native organizations, the talk will cut through the noise surrounding recent advances to look at the positive impact AI is making right now on humanity and environment. Acknowledging the need for continued stewardship and responsibility, Dr. Vogels will encourage increasing co-operation between government, industry, and enterprise. The keynote will end with a call-to-action for the audience – first find the data, then design the AI approach.