Tenders from Jan 2018 to Dec 2019

  1. Request for Quote for FT-IR spectrometer with electrochemical interface. (31/12/2019)
  2. Tender Notification for “Providing Cooking and Cleaning services at Students’ Messes”. (22/11/2019). Revised (25/11/2019). Revised (10/12/2019). Prebid Clarification.  The last date for submission of the tender documents is 30/12/2019 till 3.00 pm.
    Technical Bid will be open on 02/01/2020 at 11.30 am instead of 30/12/2019 at 4.00 pm.(27.12.2019).
  3. Tender Notification for Centralized Housekeeping Services for “Road Cleaning / Garbage Clearance / Door to Door Collection of Garbage & Rest Room Cleaning across the Institute at IISc. (22/11/2019). Revised (10/12/2019)Prebid Clarification.  The last date for submission of the tender documents is 30/12/2019 till 3.00 pm.
    Technical Bid will be open on 02/01/2020 at 11.30 am instead of 30/12/2019 at 4.00 pm.(27.12.2019).
  4. Tender Notification for Providing Housekeeping Services â€śAt various Departments /Centres /Units at IISc”. (22/11/2019). Revised. (10/12/2019).  Prebid Clarification.  The last date for submission of the tender documents is 30/12/2019 till 3.00 pm.
    Technical Bid will be open on 02/01/2020 at 11.30 am instead of 30/12/2019 at 4.00 pm.(27.12.2019).
  5. Open Tender : Supply, installation, and commissioning of Wireless LAN Access Infrastructure at hostels of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (20/11/2019) .  
    Please visit CPPP portal for additional information.  Link to Central Public Procurement Portal: https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app  (
    Tender ID: 2019_IISC_519579_3, Tender type : Open Tender, Organisation : Indian Institute of Science – Bangalore, Tender Category: Goods)
    Recent corrigendum has been uploaded.  (20/12/2019)
  6. Tender Notification for the procurement of Hydraulic Fatigue Testing Machine.  (16/12/2019).  Revised Tender. (20/12/2019)
  7. Request for quotation for Remotely controlled boat for bathymetry to measure the volume of glacial lakes in the high-altitude Himalayan region. (19/12/2019)
  8. Request for quotation for Ground Penetrating Radar for measuring the depth of the glaciers in the high-altitude Himalayan region. (19/12/2019)
  9. Tender for Providing Guest House Hospitality & Facility Management Services such as Front Office, House Keeping, Kitchen, Food & Beverage (Non Alcoholic) services in dining, operation and Maintenance for Main Guest House with 49 Rooms and Centenary Visitors’ House with 108 Rooms. (13.12.19)
  10. Tender notification for X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) capable of analyzing angular resolved measurements (including tilt mechanism / module) (25/11/2019)
    Since the deadline is 15th Dec Sunday, it has been extended to 18th December 2019. (13/12/2019)
  11. Tender Notification – Integration of Pipeline for High Temperature and Pressure Reactor Vessels/Autoclaves. (25/11/2019). Deadline extended to 15-Dec-2019. (10/12/2019).
  12. Tender Notification to procure High Temperature and Pressure Reactor Vessels/Autoclaves. (22/11/2019).  Deadline extended to 15-Dec-2019. (10/12/2019).
  13. Tender Notification for the procurement of “C-H-N-S Elemental Analyser”. (06/12/2019)
  14. Request for Proposal for High End Compute Cluster. (13/11/2019)
    Updated the tender documents, with time and venue for the prebid-clarification (22/11/2019). Corrigendum. (26/11/2019) Corrigendum 2 (03/12/2019)
  15. Tender notification for the procurement of a “CPU+GPU+Storage HPC Cluster” (Last date: 7th December 2019 by 5:00 PM IST). (18/11/2019).  Corrigendum (29/11/2019)
  16. Notice Inviting Tender for Supply and Installation of Radioactive Counting equipment –29/11/2019
  17. Request for quotes for UPS. (28/11/2019)
  18. Tender Notification for a Multichannel Potentiostat/Galvanostat/Impedance analyzer. (28/11/2019)
  19. Tender Notification for a Battery Cycler with High Current Capability. (28/11/2019)
  20. Tender Notification for the Procurement of Glove Box System. (28/11/2019)
  21. Notice inviting tender for supply and installation of Mass Spectrometer. (27/11/2019)
  22. Notice inviting tender for supply and installation of Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer. (27/11/2019)
  23. Notice inviting Tender for Supply and Installation of High-Energy pulsed Nd: YAG Laser System. (26/11/2019)
  24. Request for Quote for an Online Test Infrastructure. (26/11/2019)
  25. Tender notification for procurement of single molecule conductance measurement instruments. (22/11/2019)
  26. Request for proposal for  a Fruit Juice Centre and Cake & Snack Shop. Revised (22/11/2019)
  27. Tender notification for Supply and Installation of Microscale Thermophoresis Unit –19/11/2019
  28. Tender Notification for the procurement of “Accessory for Sample Preparation for Titan and 3D Atom Probe Instrument – Dual beam(FIB – FESEM) system” at AFMM. (Last Date for submission of tenders: 6 December 2019). (15/11/2019)
  29. Tender notification for the procurement of a “40 Tera Flops High Performance Computing Cluster”. (30/10/2019)
    Corrigendum (13/11/2019)
  30. Tender notification for Procurement of Line CCD Camera for spectrometer, and compatible Frame Grabber with required accessories (13/11/2019)
  31. Tender Notification for procurement of an Electrochemical scanning tunnelling microscope (EC-STM) and atomic force microscope (AFM) setup. (11/11/2019)
  32. Tender Notification for Procurement of a Variable Temperature Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR) with Capabilities for Performing in situ Electrochemical Analysis of Materials for Energy Storage. (08/11/2019)
  33. Request for Quote for “Nematic Liquid Crystal based Spatial Light Modulator“. (05/11/2019)
  34. Request for Quote for “X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) capable of analyzing angular resolved measurements (including tilt mechanism /module)“. (04/11/2019)
  35. RFQ (Request for Quote) for supply, installation, commissioning and testing of UPS system. (29/10/2019)
  36. RFQ for HPC – New deadline ( Nov 5,2019) –24/10/2019
  37. Request for quotation for Spectrograph with required accessories  –21/10/2019
  38. Modified RFQ for HPC Cluster – New deadline Oct 28,2019  –18/10/2019
  39. Requesr for quotation for Inverted microscope with required accessories (16/10/2019)
  40. Request for quotation for Nematic Liquid Crystal based Spatial Light Modulator (15/10/2019)
  41. Request for quotation for HPC cluster (07/10/2019)
  42. Notice Inviting Tender for Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Training of an Inuctively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Facility for determination Elemetal Concentration and isotope ratio. (01/10/2019).
  43. Tender for the supply and installation of a state-of-the-art 3D printer for biomedical applications. (30/09/2019).
  44. Tender notification for the procurement of a “Multi-GPU based cluster node for high performance computing and machine learning”. (30/09/2019).
  45. Tender Notification for the procurement of Close Cycle He Cryostat for High Pressure Diffraction at a beamline of the Italian synchrotron centre, Elettra, Trieste.  (05/09/2019). New Dead line 11/10/2019
  46. Tender Notification for the procurement of confocal micro –Raman laser ruby luminescence setup for high pressure measurmentsat a beamline of the Italian synchrotron centre, Elettra, Trieste. (05/09/2019). New Dead line 11/10/2019
  47. Tender Notification for the procurement of High Temperature diamond anvil cell for High Pressure Diffraction at a beamline of the Italian synchrotron centre, Elettra, Trieste .(05/09/2019). New Dead line 11/10/2019
  48. Tender Notification for Procurement of an Electrochemical Workstation coupled with RRDE, Frequency Response Analyzer and Spectroelectrochemical System for in situ Analysis of Materials for Energy Storage. (17/09/2019).
  49. Tender Notification for a Double sided Mask Aligner System. (16/09/2019).
  50. Tender Notification for the Procurement of a liquid helium based variable temperature superconducting magnet system. (12/09/2019).
  51. Request for quote for a “shaker incubator/growth chamber for algae”. (05/09/2019).
    Clarifications to above tender. (12/09/2019).
  52. Tender Notification for the procurement of “electron beam evaporator“. (09/09/2019).
  53. Tender Notification for the procurement of “Thermal Imaging camera”. (05/09/2019).
  54. Notice Inviting Tender from IRDA approved Insurance Companies for Group Mediclaim (Family Floater) Insurance Policy forI.I.Sc. Employees / Pensioners and their dependent family members.  (05/09/2019).
  55. Tender Notification for the procurement of high resolution FESEM with EDS and EBSD attachments . (23/08/2019)
  56. Request for Quote for the procurement of a High Resolution Thermoreflectance Thermal Microscopy System. (21/08/2019).
  57. Request for quotation for a high performance cluster (08/08/2019). Please Note : This tender is cancelled.  Fresh tender notification will be published in due course. (21/08/2019).
  58. Notice Inviting Tender for Supply and Installation of Floor Model Ultra Centrifuge. (20/08/2019)
  59. RFQ for Rheometer. (19/08/2019).
  60. Notice Inviting Tender for Supply and Installation of Live Cell Confocal system containing high sensitivity detector along with FLIM module.   (27/07/2019). Last Date extended to  31st August 2019. (updated 16/08/2019)
  61. Notice Inviting Tender for Supply and Installation of Confocal system along with FCCS module. (27/07/2019). Last Date extended to  31st August 2019. (updated 16/08/2019)
  62. Notice Inviting Tender for Supply and Installation of Supply and Installation of Laser capture microdissection system. (27/07/2019). Last Date extended to  31st August 2019. (updated 16/08/2019)
  63. Notice Inviting Tender for Supply and Installation of Spinning disk Confocal Super Resolution system with live imaging. (27/07/2019). Last Date extended to  31st August 2019.  (updated 16/08/2019)
  64. Request for proposal for procurement of the following security tools
    1. L4- L7 Testing Traffic Generator
    2. Attack Traffic Generator. (03/07/2019).

    Prebid Clarifications.  Form A   (02/08/2019).  Please Note : Since Aug 12th is a Holiday, following changes in the Dates are being done. Last Date for Submission : 13th August, 2019 at 4:30 pm  Opening of Technical Bids : 14th August, 2019, at 3:00 pm (10/08/2019)

  65.  Tender Notification for the Procurement of a connected two box Argon Glove Box System with custom Evaporator. (31/07/2019).
  66. Notice Inviting Tender for High Vacuum Chamber, Pumping system and Control for high temperature additive manufacturing.
    Click here for Dimensions. (24/07/2019).
  67. Tender Notice for Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of High-Performance Computing Cluster. (08/07/2019).
    Addendum for Tender Notice for Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of High-Performance Computing Cluster. (17/07/2019)
  68. Tender Notification for procurement of a High-Speed Camera. (15/07/2019)
  69. Request for tender from IRDA approved Insurance Companies for Group Mediclaim (Family Floater) Insurance Policy for I.I.Sc. Employees / Pensioners and their dependent family members. (04/07/2019).
    • Clarification for the points raised in Pre-bid Meeting held on 10.07.2019 at 4 p.m. (13/07/2019).
      1. Please provide the Terms and Conditions of Expiring Policy. Please Click here for the Policy Details for the year 2018-19.
      2. What is the BID Evaluation Criteria?   Please Click here for the BID Evaluation Criteria.
      3. Please provide the Claim Dump for the period from 01st August 2018 to till date. Please Click here for the Claim Dump.
      4. Please provide the Demography of the Insured and their dependents. Please Click here for the Demography details.
      5. Please provide the Age wise profile for Top-up from 1st August 2018 to till date?  Please Click here for the Demography of the Insurance.
      6. Template for entering premium for additional coverage.  Click here.
    • Kindly Note : The print out of the excel file may be kept in the Sealed Cover. 
  70. Tender Notification for Gallium Oxide Wafer. (12/07/2019).
  71. Request for Proposal for Operating Various Facilities at Sarvam Complex in IISc campus. (10/07/2019).
  72. Tender Notification for procuring a PUMP and Controller to FEI, FEG SEM (Sirion) for the Advanced Facility for Microscopy and Microanalysis at llSc., Bangalore. (20/06/2019).     Updated file. (09/07/2019).
    • Last date for submission on or before 20/07/2019.  Opening of Technical and commercial bid on 22.07.2019 in the conference hall, AFMM.
  73. Tender Notification for procuring a PUMP and Controller to FEl, ESEM Quanta 200 for the Advanced Facility for Microscopy and Microanalysias (AFMM) at llSc., Bangalore. (20/06/2019). Updated file. (09/07/2019).
    • Last date for submission on or before 20/07/2019.  Opening of Technical and commercial bid on 22.07.2019 in the conference hall, AFMM.
  74. Request for proposal for a high-performance computing cluster. (02/07/2019) Addendum to the Request for proposal for a high-performance computing cluster. Dated 02/07/2019  –08/07/2019
  75. Tender Notification for Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) System. (05/07/2019)
  76. Notice Inviting Tender for Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of a facility for analysis of flow transitions, thermo-physical properties, materials testing and heat transfer coefficient in Supercritical Steam based open loop. (28/06/2019)
  77. Construction of Rock Storage and Thin Section Laboratory Space at Centre for Earth Sciences, IISc, Bangalore. (25/06/2019)
  78. Tender for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 2 Nos. of 2000 KVA, 11 KV of D.G. Sets. (25/06/2019)
  79. Tender Notification for the procurement of Microscale Thermophoresis Instrument. (24/06/2019)
  80. Tender Notification for the procurement of Instrument for Macromolecular Binding Kinetics Measurement. (24/06/2019)
  81. Expression of Interest for Providing Automated Laundry Services in Indian Institute of Science Campus. (17/06/2019)
  82. Request for Quote for Low temperature Photoluminescence Microscope and Spectrometer with time resolved microscopy (FLIM) capabilities. (14/06/2019)
  83. Request for Quote for Liquid helium Flow Type Cryostat for Optical Microscopy and Spectroscopy. (14/06/2019)
  84. Notice Inviting Tender for Digital Factory Setup: Virtual & Physical. (published 30/05/2019). Last Date & Time for submission extended till 28th June 2018, 17:00 Hrs (updated 13/06/2018).
  85. Request for Quote (RFQ) for procurement of a variable temperature electrical probe station.  (04/06/2019)
  86. Notice Inviting Tender for Wire EDM Machine. (30/05/2019)
  87. Tender Notification for the Procurement of two closed cycle cryostats. (22/05/2019)
  88. Tender Notification for the Procurement of a Physical Property Measurement System. (16/05/2019)
  89. Notice inviting tender for Supply and Installation of High-Speed Cell Sorter. (Dead line extended upto 21st May 2019)(15/05/2019)
  90. RFQ (Request for Quote) for procurement of a Semiconductor parameter analyzer. (14/05/2019)
  91. Invitation for Expression of Interest(EOI) from eligible landscape architects for IISc. (Corrigendum to EOI)(16/05/2019)
  92. Tender Notification for Glove Box Work Station system. (10/05/2019)
  93. Tender for “Setting up Virus BSL 3 laboratory facility inside the existing structural shed at roof top of CIDR building approximate area 865 Sq. Ft. The newly constructed BSL 3 lab should be compatible to WHO recommendation including Design, Engineering, Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Testing and 3rd, party Validation with Documentation on TURNKEY basis“. (06/05/2019)
  94. Tender notification for “Supply and Installation of lab infrastructure, namely laboratory tables, chemical storage cabinets, fume hoods, exhaust system, electrical and gas piping services and other allied services in Chemical Sciences Building at IISc Campus, Bangalore“.  06/05/2019.
    Click here to download drawing files (7 zipped folders) File 1,   File 2,   File 3,   File 4,   File 5,   File 6,   File 7
  95. Tender notification for procurement of equipment and software under Mieles Project @ CCE – 04/05/2019
  96. Notice of Expression of Interest (EOI) for Purchase of a Biometric System.  (The earlier EOI published  on 18/March/2019 stands cancelled).
  97. Notice inviting tender for System Upgrade.
  98. Tender Notification for the procurement of “Universal Hardness Tester“.
  99. Tender for Supply, Installation and Deployment of Computing cluster and Storage system with Scalable Architecture suitable for high performance computing. (Corrigendum and Modified RFP ). Note : UPS backup of 1 hr is preferred.
  100. Tender Notification for the procurement of Si, SiGe and Ge Epitaxial CVD Systems.
  101. Tender Notification for the Procurement of Equipment for Electrode Preparation and Battery Assembly.
  102. Tender notification for the procurement of a “Multi-GPU Desktop/Workstations for Deep Learning”.  (Last date: 08.04.2019).
  103. Tender notification for the procurement of a Laboratory Scale s-CO2 loop and Test Section“The date for submission of bids extended till 10.4.2019 “
  104. Tender Notification for the procurement of Low Noise Electrical Characterization Equipment setup.
  105. RFQ (Request for Quote) for procurement of a Biometric System.
  106. Tender notification for the procurement of a “Multi-GPU based cluster node for high performance computing and machine learning”. (Last date:15.03.2019).
  107. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) from eligible Landscape Architects for IISc.
  108. Tender Notification for Procurement of a “Mechanical Tester Capable of Performing Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue, Creep and Creep-Fatigue Interaction Tests” The new deadline for submitting the tender is 26th March 2019 (5 PM)
  109. Request for Proposal for Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) Facility.
  110. Request for Proposal for a Video-Based Security Enhancement (VISE – II) PHASE-A. (Addendum to RFP 06/03/2019)
  111. Notice Inviting Tender Supply and Installation of Ultrasound Research and Development Platform.
    Last date of submission till 22nd Feb 2019 by 12 Hrs
  112. Tender Notification for the Procurement of a High Temperature Modulation DSC
  113. RFQ for upgradation of the existing Raith PIONEER system.
  114. Tender Notification for the Procurement of a “Phosphorimager“
  115. RFQ for supply of Thermal Diffusivity Measurement by Laser Flash Technique.
    Note : Nd- glass will also accepted along with Nd-YAG sample holder with minimum of three samples will also be accepted.
    Last Date Extended to 07-February-2019, 5.00 pm
  116. Request for Quote for Lock-In Amplifier with Multi-Frequency Detection Capability.
  117. RFQ (Request for Quote) for procurement of a plasma ashing system.(Revised due date 22/01/2019).
  118. RFQ (Request for Quote) for procurement of a Plasma Cleaner System for TEM sample and Sample holder. (Revised due date 22/01/2019).
  119. Request to offer quotation of listed equipment for procurement to set up state of the art Prototyping and Pilot Production Facility “MATTER” at Society for Innovation and Development (SID), Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bangalore.
    RFQ deadline extended 5th Feb 2019 Tuesday before 17:00 Hours.
    Technical bid will be opened on 8th Feb 2019 at 16:00 Hours at Seminar Hall, Society for Innovation and Development, Innovation Centre, Indian Institute of Science Campus, (Near Maramma Circle Gate, Close to J.N. Tata Auditorium), Bengaluru, Karnataka 560012.
  120. Request for Quote for supply of Cryogen-free magnet system.
  121. Request for Quote for supply of Tunable Repetition Rate Femtosecond Laser.
  122. RFQ (Request for Quote) for supply, installation, commissioning and testing of utility smoke and fire detection system.
  123. RFQ (Request for Quote) for supply, installation, commissioning and testing of Cleanroom smoke and fire suppression system.
  124. RFQ (Request for Quote) for supply, installation, commissioning and testing of utility fire suppression system.
  125. RFQ (Request for Quote) for supply, installation, commissioning and testing of Cleanroom smoke and fire detection system.
  126. Open Tender Notification for the procurement of “Research Grade Modular Rheometer”.
  127. Request for quotation for bottom-mounted CMOS camera for the existing 300 kV Tecnai F30 microscope.
    Submission of technical and commercial bid is extended to on or before 15.01.2019.
    Opening of Technical and commercial bid on 15.01.2019 at 2.00 pm in the conference hall, AFMM.
  128. RFQ (Request for Quote) for procurement of a Ion Milling system for TEM sample preparation.
  129. RFQ (Request for Quote) for supply, installation, commissioning and testing of utility fire suppression system.
  130. RFQ (Request for Quote) for supply, installation, commissioning and testing of utility smoke and fire detection system.
  131. RFQ (Request for Quote) for supply, installation, commissioning and testing of Cleanroom smoke and fire suppression system.
  132. RFQ (Request for Quote) for supply, installation, commissioning and testing of Cleanroom smoke and fire detection system.
  133. RFQ (Request for Quote) for procurement of a scanning-electron microscope system.
  134. Tender Notification for the procurement of one Helium-Cadmium Laser.  (Last Date for submission of tenders: 3 January 2019).
  135. Tender notification for procurement of “High Vacuum System for Pulsed Laser Ablation“.
    Clarification to the above tender.
  136. Tender for supply of “High-Speed Rotor Balancing Machine”.
  137. Tender Notification for the procurement of a “Mini-Mechanical Tester with High Temperature Accessories”. Updated 15-12-2018
  138. SEALED TENDERS in two bid system are invited for opening a Pharmacy (Medical Store) in the premises of the Institute for supply of medicines to the Health Centre.
  139. Request for Proposal (RFP) for procurement of equipment for setting-up a cellular network at the IISc campus.
  140. Tender Notification for the procurement of Lockin Amplifier. Last date of submission of tenders: 12 Dec 2018
  141. Tender Notification for the Procurement of a “Live Cell Metabolic Flux Analyzer“
  142. Tender Notification for supply and Installation of lab infrastructure  in Chemical Sciences Building at IISc. Campus, Bangalore. (Click Here for the drawings)
  143. Tender Notification for procuring an Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC).
  144. Tender for Supply and Installation of DNA/RNA Fragment Analyzer System.
  145. Expression of Interest invited for “Consultants for preparing Detailed Project Report (DPR) for 3000 KVA X 2 Nos. of 11 KV DG Set“.
  146. Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for air conditioning systems in new buildings of Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences and Nano Science & Engineering.
  147. Tender Notification for the procurement of a cryogen-free dilution refrigerator at Department of Instrumentation and Applied Physics, IISc
  148. RFP for Consultancy services for Providing PMC for the work of Construction of Innovation HUB (IHUB) Building for SID.    IHUB Brief DescriptionMinutes of Pre-bid Meeting.
  149. Tender Notification for the procurement of one Helium-Cadmium Laser (Last Date for submission of tenders: 5 October 2018)
  150. Tender Notification for the procurement of a “Scanning Electron Microscope“
  151. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) from eligible suppliers of Facility for GAIT and Motion Analysis.
  152. Tender Notification to procure a new Ion Milling System for TEM Sample Preparation.
  153. Limited Tender Notification for “Purchase of Intensified Camera“.
  154. Tender Notification for the procurement of a ” X-ray powder diffractometer with provision for stress and texture measurements and analysis”.
  155.  Pre-bid Clarification for the RFP given below.
    Proposals are invited from bidders for Security Testing Tools/ equipment’s.
    Last Date of submission of bids : 5 pm on 21st, August 2018
    The date of opening of Technical bids will now be at 3.00 pm on 23rd August 2018  instead of 22nd August 2018, since it is declared as a Institute holiday.
  156. Tender Notification for the procurement of “Supply and Installation of Laser Router for Metal Cutting“.
    Corrigendum (Extension of Last date for submission).
  157. Tender for Annual Rate Contract for Supply of Chemicals, Glasswares, Plasticwares and LabwaresFormat for Item-wise Rate Contract.
    Corrigendum 1.

    Corrigendum 2.
  158. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) from Eligible Suppliers of Industrial Robots, Collaborative Robots, Automatic Guided Vehicles, Conveyors and Smart Pallets.
  159. Request for quote for supply of Desktops. Corrigendum.
  160. Notification Inviting Tender for Supply and Installation of 5 axis CNC Machine.
  161. RFQ for procurement of an Infrared-Variable Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometer.
  162. Tender for Supply and Installation of High End GPU-Based Compute Servers.
    Corrigendum to the above.
  163. RFQ (Request for Quote) document for procurement of an epitaxial CVD system along with attachments. Corrigendum.
  164. Tender Notification for procuring “Twenty Dry shippers and Twenty sets of Unipucks for the Elettra beamline for Macromolecular Crystallography“
    a. “Exterior Painting and Other Allied Works at Vijnanpura Campus at IISc”.(earlier tender advertisement No. IISc/Tender 14/2017-18 dated 29th January 2018)
    b. Repairs of Existing Mangalore Tiled Roof, Painting Works and other Allied Works at the Contemporary Studies Building at IISc (earlier tender advertisement No. IISc/Tender 15/2017-18 dated 29th January 2018)
  166. Calling for Tender from IRDA approved Insurance Companies for Group MEDICLAIM (Family Floater) Insurance Policy for I.I.Sc. Employees/ Pensioners and their Dependants.   Click here for Prebid Clarification.  Click here for Age wise & Gender wise Profile.  Click here for Claim Dump.
  167. Request for Quote for ICP-RIE system. (date extended to 24 July 2018)
  168. Request for Quote for procurement of a PECVD system. (date extended to 24 July 2018)
  169. Corrigendum to the EOI to REQUESTS FOR PROPOSAL i.e. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST for OPERATING A FOOD COURT AT SARVAM COMPLEX ON ITS CAMPUS.  Hindi Version here  (new file uploaded 04/07/2018) Date extended to 25 July 2018, 12.30 pm
  170. Tender for Supply and Installation of An Ultrasonicator for Fragmentation of DNA Fragments.
  171. Tender for Supply and Installation of Floor model Ultra centrifuge.
  172. Tender for Supply and Installation of GWAS Chip scanner.
  173. Tender for Supply and Installation of DNA/RNA Fragment Analyzer System.
  174. Tender for Supply and Installation of Ultra-high Throughput Next Generation Sequencing System.
  175. Corrigendum to the (Tender Ref No. IISc/NSM/001/18, Tender Id 2018_IISC_339642_1) RFP with clarification to queries from bidders, change in dates and revised BoQ for procurement of High Performance Computing and Storage Systems under the National Supercomputing mission is available on the eprocure.gov.in portal.
  176. Tender Notification for the procurement of 2 High Speed Cameras.
  177. Open Tender Notification for the procurement of “Inverted Fluorescence Optical Microscope”
  178. Tender Notification for Rehabilitation/Replacement of Electro-Mechanical and Instrumentation Equipment in identified Pumping Stations including Regular Management of Water Supply System in IISc Campus
  179. Tender Notification for Electrical Upgradation of Sub-Station for LT (SS-10) at IISc. Campus, Bangalore.
  180. Invitation for Expression Of Interest (EOI) from eligible suppliers of Metal Additive Manufacturing Equipment.
    Corrigendum to the above EOI.
  182. Request for quote (RFQ) for procurement of Closed Cycle Cryostat.
  183. Proposals are invited for procurement of High Performance Computing and Storage Systems under the National Supercomputing mission.
  184. Expression of Interest (EOI) from Architects and Architecture Firms to participate in an architectural design competition to design the Interdisciplinary Research (IDR) Buidling.
  185. Limited Tender for a Carrier Trap/Recombination Lifetime Measurement System.
  186. Corrigendum to e-tender uploaded in the e-portal (www.eproc.karnataka.gov.in) (Ref:IISc/Tender 2/2018-19 dated 18th April 2018 and IISc/Tender 3/2018-19 dated 24th April 2018 )
  187. Request for Interest (RFI) for Electron gun.
  188. Tender Notification for the procurement of Chemisorption/physisorption/micropore analyser.
  189. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Underground mapping service.
  190. Tender Notification for procuring an automated low-volume isothermal titration calorimeter (ITC).
  191. Tender notification for “Request For Interest for supply of  Electron gun”.
  192. Tender notification for “Management and Maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant I (STP-I) at IISc“.
  193. Tender Notification for the Procurement of a “Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger” (Revised 26/03/2018)
  194. Tender  for supply of Allopathic madicines to Health Centre, IISc. (Annexure A Revised on 09/04/2018). The Last date for downloading the Tender Documents of Rate Contract for supply of Allopathic Medicines to Health Centre, Indian Institute of Science, has been extended till the last date of submission (16.04.2018)
  195. Minutes of the Pre bid meeting for Providing of Project Monitoring Consultancy services held on 15.03.2018 at 4.00 p.m in CCMD for the Construction of 500 rooms Ladies Hostel at IISc.
  196. Notification for registration of AR/SR Contractors for IISc Campus Bangalore and Challekere Campus (First time registration)
  197. Tender Notification for the procurement of â€śIntegrated 256-channel wireless data acquisition system for primate neurophysiology“.
  198. Tender Notification for the procurement of 2 High Speed Cameras.
  199. Invitation for Expression of Interest for Project Monitoring Consultancy services for the construction of 500 rooms ladies hostel at the Institute.
  200. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) from Eligible Architect/Architectural Firm for IISc .
  201. Tender Notification for the procurement of “Fluorescence Microscope with Spinning Disk Confocal and Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Modules”.
  202. Tender for Optical table system with active vibration isolation for optical experiments.
  203. Tender for Supply and Installation of Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope.
  204. Tender for Supply and Installation of Floor Model  Ultracentrifuge.
  205. Tender for Supply and Installation of Bench Top Flow Cytometer/Analyser.
  206. Tender Notification for detailed design, fabrication, erection, procurement, installation, commissioning and maintenance of High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage System. (Updated 26/02/2018. Last Date for submission March 02, 2018).
  207. Tender Notification for Semiconductor Parametric Analyzer and other instruments as per document.
  208. Expression of Interest for the procurement of a high-pressure acid digestion system.
  209. Tender Notification for the procurement of Table Top SEM for Biomaterials lab, Materials Research Center, at IISc (Last date for submission of tenders: January 29, 2018)
  210. Tender Notification for the procurement of a “Upright Confocal system with Multiphoton and Live Cell Imaging, with capacity for Fast/Super Resolution Imaging”