All Tenders

Civil & Electrical contractors Click here for Registration in IISc

  1. Domestic tender notification for Providing 6 Nos Capacity Passenger Lift including all civil and Electrical works at Hoysala Guest House (20-02-2025)
  2. Tender for the Procurement of Load frame and transducers for UCC testing (19-02-2025)
  3. Tender for the Procurement of Direct shear apparatus (19-02-2025)
  4. Tender for the Procurement of Consolidometers (19-02-2025)
  5. Tender for the Procurement of CBR test apparatus (19-02-2025)
  6. Tender for the Procurement of Compaction test apparatus (19-02-2025)
  7. Tender for the Procurement of Permeameter (19-02-2025)
  8. Domestic tender notification for Automatic Transfer Stage-system (19/02/2025)
  9. Domestic tender notification for Impedance Analyzer and accessories (19/02/2025)
  10. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of Direct shear apparatus (06/12/2024) Cancellation corrigendum (19/02/2025)
  11. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of Load frame and transducers for UCC testing (06/12/2024) Cancellation corrigendum (19/02/2025)
  12. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of Consolidometers (06/12/2024) Cancellation corrigendum (19/02/2025)
  13. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of CBR Test apparatus (06/12/2024) Cancellation corrigendum (19/02/2025)
  14. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of Compaction test apparatus (06/12/2024) Cancellation corrigendum (19/02/2025)
  15. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of Permeameter (06/12/2024) Cancellation corrigendum (19/02/2025)
  16. Domestic Tender Notification for Vacuum Pumps and Gauges (18/02/2025)
  17. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of TEM SAMPLE PREPARATION SETUP (10/01/2025) Corrigendum (18/02/2025)
  18. Supply and Installation of a Cobot Manipulator (30/12/2024) Corrigendum-1 (23/01/2025) Corrigendum-2 (17/02/2025)
  19. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Vector Signal Generator (10/01/2025) Corrigendum-1 (21/01/2025) Corrigendum-2 (13/02/2025)
  22. Domestic tender notification for Estimate for Extension of existing Tennis court and provision of new acrylic cushion replacing old clay court (10/02/2025)
  23. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of an X-ray Diffractometer for structural characterization (07/02/2025)
  24. Domestic tender notification for Arresting of Roof Leakage by replacing of old damaged Mangalore tile roof with new Mangalore tile roof (07/02/2025)
  25. Global Tender Notification for Linear Accelerator (LINAC), MR LINAC, Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife as a package (07/02/2025)
  26. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of a “supply includes Installation, Commissioning and Training at site for the Fuel cell system for drones & UAVs” (16/01/2025) Corrigendum (06/02/2025)
  28. Domestic tender notification for Tank Cleaning of water Storage Reservoirs, Underground Sumps, RCC/masonary/Synthetic Overhead tanks (05/02/2025)
  29. Global Tender Notification for a Custom Electron Beam Evaporator compatible with a Glovebox workstation (29/01/2025)
  30. Domestic tender notification for a high-performance computing cluster (29/01/2025)
  31. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of a “Supply and Installation of Audio-Visual Solution for Meeting Room and Auditorium in SERC” (16/01/2025) Corrigendum (28/01/2025)
  32. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of GPS Collars for Elephant (28/01/2025)
  33. Domestic tender notification for the Appointment of Consultant for Creation of a Data Centre for a 8.5 PFlop Supercomputer in SERC (28/01/2025)
  34. Global Tender Notification for the Supply and Installation of Networking Equipment for a Data Center in SERC (16/01/2025) Corrigendum (28/01/2025)
  35. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Supply, installation, testing, & commissioning of Networking Infrastructure (10/01/2025) Corrigendum (24/01/2025)
  36. RFB for the procurement of XRAY COMPUTED MICROTOMOGRAPHY FACILITY – World Bank Tenders (24/01/2025) pre-bid meeting link
  37. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of Gas Chromatography System (24/01/2025)
  38. Domestic Tender Notification for the “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of laboratory furniture, Modular furniture & Unified AV solution” and pre-bid meeting link (23/01/2025)
  39. Global Tender Notification for the Supply and installation of a cryogen-free variable temperature cryostat (22/01/2025)
  40. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of AlGaN/GaN HEMT d-mode Wafers (21/01/2025)
  41. Global Tender Notification for the Supply and Installation of NVIDIA RTX 6000 ADA CARD-based GPU Server (07/01/2025) Corrigendum (21/01/2025)
  42. Domestic Tender Notification for Supply and Installation of 3D Printing Production Planning Software (20/01/2025)
  43. Domestic Tender Notification for Supply and Installation of High Pressure Die Casting Machine (20/01/2025)
  44. Tender Notification for “High Temperature Mechanical Testing System Capable of Testing Samples up to 2000 °C” (20/12/2024) Corrigendum (16/01/2025)
  45. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Optical Thermal Analysis Stage & Related Accessories (10/01/2025)
  46. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of High-Speed Pulsed Laser Illumination System for Imaging (10/01/2025)
  47. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Supply of Two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) system with Mass spectrometer (MS) and Flame Ionization Detectors (FID) (10/01/2025)
  48. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Data logger with voltage and temperature measurement capability (09/01/2025)
  49. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of an EMCCD Camera (09/01/2025)
  50. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Multi-channel Time-Correlated Single Photon Counter (TCSPC) (09/01/2025)
  51. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of of a Single Photon Detector Module (09/01/2025)
  52. Global Tender Notification for the Automatic Animal Bedding (BDS) and Animal Water Bottle Dispensing System (WDS) (08/01/2025)
  53. Global Tender Notification for the Supply of a High Speed Camera (08/01/2025)
  54. Global Tender Notification for the planning, supply, installation, testing, commissioning, and training of two distinct systems: a 3 Tesla MRI system (08/01/2025)
  55. Global Tender Notification for the Supply and Installation of a High Content Fluorescent Microscope with continuous live-cell imaging capabilities (08/01/2025)
  56. RFB for the procurement of COMPUTER CLUSTER WITH HIGH PERFORMANCE COM-PUTING NODES (03/01/2025) Corrigendum and pre-bid meeting link (08/01/2025)
  57. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Robotic arm transfer system (07/01/2025)
  58. Domestic Tender Notification for the supply of Ansys electronic design automation tools for teaching, research and enterprise license (06/01/2025)
  59. RFQ for the procurement of Axial and circumferential Extensometer (27/11/2024) Corrigendum (02/01/2025)
  60. RFQ Procurement of Axial and Circumferential Extensometer (02/01/2025)
  61. RFB FOR THE SUPPLY OF NON-LASER BASED, MULTI-MATERIAL RES-IN 3D PRINTER, pre-bid meeting link and Corrigendum (02/01/2025)
  62. RFB for The Supply of Triaxial Testing System, pre-bid meeting link and Corrigendum (02/01/2025)
  63. RFB for the Procurement of Drone with ground penetrating radar, pre-bid meeting link and Corrigendum (02/01/2025)
  64. Domestic Tender Notification for Custom configured hardware unit for Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) sub nanosecond RF pulses transmission and receiving via FPGA and free space using antennas (01/01/2025)
  65. Domestic Tender Notification for supply of “IR Camera” (01/01/2025)
  66. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EoI) for DSITC OF REHABILITATION WORKS FOR IMSF (ON BEHALF OF IISc) AT IISc CAMPUS, BANGALORE (30/12/2024)
  67. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EoI) for DSITC OF IN VITRO FERTILIZATION (IVF) FOR IMSF (ON BEHALF OF IISc) AT IISc CAMPUS, BANGALORE (30/12/2024)
  68. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EoI) for DSITC OF LABORATORY TURNKEY WORK FOR IMSF (ON BEHALF OF IISc) AT IISc CAMPUS, BANGALORE (30/12/2024)
  69. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EoI) for DSITC OF OT and ICU COMPLEX TURNKEY WORKS FOR IMSF (ON BEHALF OF IISc),AT IISc CAMPUS, BANGALORE (30/12/2024)
  71. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EoI) for MEDICAL SIMULATION LAB FOR IMSF (ON BEHALF OF IISc) AT IISc CAMPUS, BANGALORE (30/12/2024)
  72. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EoI) for DSITC OF CSSD TURNKEY WORKS FOR IMSF(ON BEHALF OF IISC) AT IISc CAMPUS, BANGALORE (30/12/2024)
  73. Domestic Tender Notification for 65nm CMOS Chip Tape-Out for Molecular Neuromorphic Computing (30/12/2024)
  74. Domestic Tender Notification for Supply of Event Cameras for Robotics Applications (30/12/2024)
  75. Domestic Tender Notification for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of laboratory furniture, Modular furniture & Unified AV solution(13/12/2024) Corrigendum (24/12/2024)
  76. Domestic Tender Notification for Procurement of Chip Tape-Out and Fabrication Services to DESE (24/12/2024)
  77. Tender for Design, Supply, Installation of 12.5 MVA Power Transformer and associated works in 66 KV Main Receiving Station (MRS) at IISc, Bangalore (20/12/2024)
  78. NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT) for Empanelment of Custom House Agents (CHA) / Clearing &Forwarding (C&F) Agents for Consolidation of Consignments of Imports / Exports, Shipments from All Over the World through Air, Sea, Cargo, Courier, Foreign Post Office and Custom Clearance and Transportation / forwarding up to Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru Pre -bid meeting will be held on 02.12.2024 @11:30 AM (26/10/2024) Corrigendum (20/12/2024)
  79. Domestic tender for Fabrication of a tilting Type Disc Pelletizer with control rotation per minute/Speed (20/12/2024)
  80. Comprehensive AMC for HVAC systems in Biological Science Physics NeuroScience Nano Science Building Main Building and NSSC Tata Auditorium at IISc Bangalore (20/12/2024)
  81. The Work Of Renovation And Upgradation Of Washrooms Including Electrical Work At Ground Floor And First Floor Of SERC Department at IISc, Bangalore (20/12/2024)
  82. Providing 6 Nos Capacity Passenger Lift including all civil and Electrical works at Hoyasala Guest House (20/12/2024)
  83. Global Tender notification for the procurement of “lock in Amplifier” (19/12/2024)
  84. GLOBAL TENDER NOTICE Supply for Single Photon Detector (Counting) Module (18/12/2024)
  85. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of Workstations (06/12/2024) Corrigendum(18/12/2024)
  86. Domestic Tender Notification for “Sputtering Targets and Evaporation pellets for PVD Systems” (13/12/2024)
  87. Global Tender notification for VLSI Chemicals (29/08/2024) Corrigendum-1 (20/09/2024) Corrigendum-2 (13/12/2024)
  88. Global Tender Notification for Sputtering Targets and Evaporation sources for PVD Systems (30/09/2024) Corrigendum (13/12/2024)
  89. Global Tender for a ICP-RIE System with Chlorine based Chemistry for the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE) at IISc, Bangalore. (15/04/2024) Corrigendum-1 (01/05/2024) Corrigendum-2 (13/12/2024)
  90. Global Tender for a ICP-RIE System running Fluorine based Chemistry for the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE) at IISc, Bangalore. (15/04/2024) Corrigendum-1 (01/05/2024) Corrigendum-2 (13/12/2024)
  91. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of Water bath for ASR test (06/12/2024) Corrigendum (12/12/2024)
  92. Domestic Tender Notification for Fabrication of a Planetary Ball Milling Machine (Two Grinding Stations) with Control RPM and Time (12/12/2024)
  93. RFB FOR THE SUPPLY OF WALK-IN HUMIDITY CHAMBER (06/12/2024) pre-bid meeting link and RFQ Document (12/12/2024)
  94. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Sputtering Targets and Evaporation pellets for PVD Systems (12/12/2024)
  95. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for OPERATING A BAKERY AT JANATHA BAZAAR, IISc, BANGALORE (12/12/2024)
  96. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of Advanced Spectrophotometer: Laser and Tunable Light Source (09/12/2024)
  97. Domestic Tender Notification for Supply and Installation of High Pressure Die Casting Machine (09/12/2024)
  98. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of a “Precision Power Analyzer” (09/12/2024)
  99. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of Liquid limit apparatus (06/12/2024)
  100. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of Grain size distribution test apparatus (06/12/2024)
  101. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of Laboratory ovens (06/12/2024)
  102. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of Field Density Testing Apparatus (06/12/2024)
  103. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of Tools & Spares (06/12/2024)
  104. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of Geospatial analysis software (06/12/2024)
  105. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of Image processing software (06/12/2024)
  106. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of Workstation & UPS (06/12/2024)
  107. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EoI) to Design, Manufacture and Commission High-pressure gaseous oxygen feed line (06/12/2024)
  108. Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the procurement of Workstations (06/12/2024)
  109. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of a “Supply of Image Sensor Chip of area upto 60mm2, for180nm-350nm PDK” (04/12/2024)
  111. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of a “Wall mounted horizontal, rectangular, steam jacket two door Autoclaves, with radial locking and micro-PLC based temperature controller” (03/12/2024)
  112. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Single Plane & Digital Subtraction Angiography System (Biplane Cathlab) with Hemodynamic Recorder, High-End Transoesophageal Echocardiograph (TOE) with PostProcessing Workstation and Intra vascular ultrasound (02/12/2024)
  113. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of a “Helium gas compressor” (02/12/2024)
  114. Domestic Tender Notification for Supply and installation of Filtration systems (02/12/2024)
  115. Domestic Tender Notification for Automation System (PLC & SCADA) to ETP operations (02/12/2024)
  116. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of a “Thermal Inkjet Printer” (29/11/2024)
  117. Global Tender Notification for the Supply and installation of “Multimode plate reader with Fluorescence imaging” (29/11/2024)
  118. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of “Multimode Plate Reader” (29/11/2024)
  119. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of a “Thermal conductivity Meter based on the hot wire method” (28/11/2024)
  120. RFQ for the procurement of Computer Tables with Computer Chairs Attached with Keyboard Tray (27/11/2024)
  121. Domestic Tender Notification for Supply and installation of a Helium leak detector for Ultra high Vacuum Chambers (23/10/2024) Corrigendum-1 (24/10/2024) Corrigendum-2 (27/11/2024)
  122. Global Tender notification for the procurement MIL Grade connectors for MEMS sensors (26/10/2024)
  123. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of the Procurement of Silicon-On-Insulator wafers (21/10/2024)
  124. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of a “Orbital Welding Machine” (21/10/2024)
  125. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of a “Diffusion bonded Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger (PCHEs)” (21/10/2024)
  126. Domestic Tender Notification for Single Photon Detector Module (14/10/2024) Corrigendum-1 (05/11/2024) Corrigendum-2 (21/11/2024)
  127. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of a “Intel CPU based High Performance Cluster” (21/11/2024)
  128. Tender notification for the procurement of a “Semi-automatic Wire Bonder” (20/11/2024)
  129. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of the Procurement of Multimode Microplate Reader (20/11/2024)
  130. Domestic Tender Notification for Annual Operation and Maintenance of 2*500KLD STPs and 1*100KLD ETP at IISc Bangalore (20/11/2024)
  131. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of a MIL Grade Connectors for MEMS Sensors (28/10/2024) Corrigendum (19/11/2024)
  133. Domestic Tender Notification for “FR2 28Ghz RF Measurement Frontend System” (19/11/2024)
  134. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EoI) for Operating Canteen at Sarvam Complex, IISc Campus (29/10/2024) Corrigendum (19/11/2024)
  135. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EoI) for Operating Laundry Shop at Janatha Bazaar, IISc Campus (29/10/2024) Corrigendum (19/11/2024)
  136. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EoI) for Operating a Bakery at Janatha Bazaar, IISc Campus (29/10/2024) Corrigendum (19/11/2024)
  137. NOTICE INVITING DOMESTIC TENDER for Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer for IISC (14/11/2024)
  138. Domestic Tender Notification for Supply and installation of a molecular beam epitaxy compatible gas cabinet – glove box system (23/10/2024) Corrigendum (14/11/2024)
  139. Domestic tender notification for the procurement of HIL systems for Hybrid Powertrains (14/11/2024)
  140. Global Tender notification for the procurement of “lock in Amplifier” (14/11/2024)
  141. Request for quote (RFQ) from Indian Agencies for supply including Installation, Commissioning, training at site for “Robotic arm transfer system” (12/11/2024)
  142. Domestic Tender: Request for Quote from Indian Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or their Indian authorized distributor for the procurement of High-Performance Computing (HPC) 1024 Core CPU Cluster with GPU Nodes (11/11/2024)
  143. Tender notification for the procurement of a “Wedge Wire bonder” (11/11/2024)
  144. NOTICE INVITING DOMESTIC TENDER Supply & Installation of Beam Profiling Cameras (08/11/2024)
  145. Domestic RFQ for the Pickup and Disposal of Bio Medical Waste From Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (08/11/2024)
  146. Domestic tender: NOTICE INVITING OPEN TENDER for Supply, installation, testing, & commissioning of Networking Infrastructure at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (25/10/2024) Corrigendum (08/11/2024)
  147. Domestic Tender Notification for Renovation Of Medium Voltage Power Electronics Laboratory Near High Voltage Building, IISc (07/11/2024)
  148. Domestic Tender Notification for Repairs and Re-surfacing of existing bituminous roads (07/11/2024)
  149. Domestic Tender notification for the supply of the soldering station at the Packaging and Systems Facility, CeNSE (06/11/2024)
  150. Global tender notification for the procurement of ULTRASOUND SYSTEM FOR SPEECH PRODUCTION (05/11/2024)
  151. Domestic Tender Notification for Supply and Installation of Potentiostat /Galvanostat /Electrochemical Workstation (30/10/2024)
  152. Domestic Tender Notification for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of General Exhaust to CeNSE Labs in IDR Building (30/10/2024)
  153. Domestic Tender Notification for Supply and Installation of Thin Film Coating System that has RF-DC Sputtering System and Electron Beam Evaporation System (28/10/2024)
  154. Domestic Tender Notification for Supply and Installation of Optical Table with Active Vibration Isolation (25/10/2024)
  155. Domestic Tender Notification for Supply and Installation of Multi-channel Time Correlated Single Photon Counter (TCSPC) (25/10/2024)
  156. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EoI) from Eligible Contract Research Organizations (CROs) TO Plan and perform detailed non-rodent pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) and toxicity studies using Disarib (25/10/2024)
  157. Domestic Tender Notification for Supply and installation of AHU & Chillers (23/10/2024) Corrigendum (24/10/2024)
  158. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDS) (23/10/2024)
  159. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of a large area multi-material spin coating work-station (23/10/2024)
  160. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of a UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer (18/10/2024)
  161. Global Tender Notification for the Single Photon Detector (Counting) Module with more than 60% detection efficiency at 810nm (18/10/2024)
  162. Global Tender notification for the procurement of a Low-noise Laser (17/09/2024) Corrigendum-1 (09/10/2024) Corrigendum-2 (17/10/2024)
  163. Domestic Tender Notification OF FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM (INCLUDINGPA SYSTEM) (16/10/2024)
  165. Global Tender Notification for the Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) (16/10/2024)
  166. Domestic Tender notification for Supply and installation of Ion Milling System (24/09/2024) Corrigandum (15/10/2024)
  167. Global Tender notification for the Supply and Installation of H100-based GPU Server (18/09/2024) Corrigandum (15/10/2024)
  168. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of Spectrofluorometer (15/10/2024)
  169. Domestic Tender notification for the Supply and Installation of Networking Equipment for a Data Center (01/10/2024) Corrigendum (14/10/2024)
  170. Global Tender notification for 6-Axis robot (19/09/2024) Corrigendum (14/10/2024)
  171. Domestic Tender Notification for the Supply and Installation of Acoustic Panels, Furniture, Lighting and Audio-Visual Equipment for Classrooms(14/10/2024)
  172. Domestic Tender notification for Two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) system with Mass spectrometer (MS) and Flame Ionization Detectors (FID) (11/10/2024)
  173. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of Spectrofluorometer (10/10/2024)
  174. Domestic Tender notification for the Supply of Nitrogen Gas Generator for Waters MS 3100 Mass Detector (09/10/2024)
  175. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of High-Speed Pulsed Laser Illumination System for Imaging (07/10/2024)
  176. Domestic Tender notification for the Supply of Customized Quadruped Walking Robot Systems (01/10/2024)
  177. Domestic Tender notification for Long-read nanopore sequencing of human clinical samples (30/09/2024)
  179. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of Spares for Electrophysiology System for Brain Stimulation and Recording: Commutator (25/09/2024)
  180. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of Electrophysiology System for Brain Stimulation and Recording (25/09/2024)
  181. Domestic Tender notification for a Custom Electron Beam Evaporator compatible with a Glovebox workstation (25/09/2024)
  182. Global Tender notification for the Supply and installation of Midas® GAS DETECTOR Cartridges (24/09/2024)
  183. Global Tender notification for the Supply of Mixed bed Resin (24/09/2024)
  184. Global Tender notification for the Supply and Installation of Super-resolution imaging microscopy system (24/09/2024)
  185. Global Tender notification for the procurement of Multichannel Electrochemical Workstation for General Electrochemistry, Tribo-Corrosion, Battery, Supercapacitor, Electrocatalysis, Chemocatalysis, Energy Applications etc. (23/09/2024)
  186. Domestic Tender notification for Painting and other allied works including Electrical works for newly alloted OCCAP office (20/09/2024)
  187. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of Medium voltage battery pack (26/08/2024) Corrigendum (20/09/2024)
  188. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of Data logger with voltage and temperature measurement capability (26/08/2024) Corrigendum (20/09/2024)
  189. Global Tender notification for the procurement of a Lock-in Amplifier (17/09/2024)
  190. Domestic Tender notification for Vacuum chamber for magnetron sputtering custom designed for FTFEML (17/09/2024)
  191. Global Tender notification for the Supply and Installation of Interferometric Displacement Measuring System (17/09/2024)
  192. Domestic tender for Construction of New Toilet Block, Providing and Laying Granite Stone Flooring, Paver Blocks, False Ceiling, Waterproofing and Painting works etc at Centre for Cryogenic Technology (CCT) at IISc, Bangalore (17/09/2024)
  193. Domestic tender for Renovation of Medium Voltage Power Electronics laboratory near High Voltage Building (17/09/2024)
  194. Domestic tender for Providing Terrace Floor Puff sheet for shed additional water tank water supply from existing tank lab platform aluminium partitions waterproofing and other allied works at CAF Department (17/09/2024)
  195. Domestic tender for Renovation and upgradation of newly alloted Left Wing of Ground Floor at ICWaR Department (17/09/2024)
  196. Global Tender notification for the procurement of a Radio Frequency (RF) Signal Generator (17/09/2024)
  197. Global Tender notification for the procurement of a Vector Network Analyzer and Spectrum Analyzer (17/09/2024)
  198. Domestic Tender notification for Multi-channel Time-Correlated Single Photon Counter (TCSPC) and associated software for correlation measurements (17/09/2024)
  199. Domestic Tender notification for Single Photon Detector Module with more than 60% detection efficiency at 810nm (17/09/2024)
  200. Global Tender notification for SINGLE-PHOTON AVALANCHE DETECTORS (SPADs) (17/09/2024)
  201. Domestic Tender notification for Non-magnetic optical table with high vibration isolation and integrated with wheels (13/09/2024)
  202. Global Tender notification for the procurement of a Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) with Autosampler and Cryostat (11/09/2024)
  203. Global Tender notification for the procurement of a Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) with Autosampler and Cryostat (11/09/2024)
  204. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EoI) from Eligible HVAC Consultancy Firms TO Planning, Design & Preparation of Detailed Estimate for HVAC (10/09/2024)
  205. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of Glovebox workstation for accommodating a large area spin coating unit (10/09/2024)
  206. Domestic Tender notification for the supply and installation of Rodent Treadmill (10/09/2024)
  207. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of Customised Glovebox workstation for accommodating a large area spin coating unit & Electron beam evaporator unit (09/09/2024)
  208. Global Tender notification for Supply and Installation for “Liquid Chromatograph – Quadrupole Time-of-Flight High Resolution Mass Spectrometer (HRMS) with Ion Mobility” (09/09/2024)
  209. Domestic Tender notification for PROVIDING FACILITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES AT SPECIFIC HOSTEL BLOCKS IN IISc, BANGALORE and pre-bid meeting link (09/09/2024)
  210. Domestic Tender notification for the Supply and Installation of Automatic Animal Bedding and Animal Water Bottle Dispensing System (09/09/2024)
  211. Domestic Tender notification for the Supply of Laser Doppler Vibrometer (05-09-2024)
  212. Global Tender notification for Supply and Installation of “MULTICOLOUR BENCHTOP FLOW CYTOMETER ANALYSER” (03-09-2024)
  213. Domestic Tender notification for a Broadband Spatial Light Modulator (SLM) (04-09-2024)
  214. Domestic Tender notification for the Supply and Installation of Cage Changing Station (04-09-2024)
  215. Domestic Tender notification for the Supply and Installation of Chemiluminescence documentation (04-09-2024)
  216. Global tender notification for the procurement of Inverted Fluorescent Microscope with Live Cell Imaging Capability (26/07/2024) Corrigendum (04/09/2024)
  217. Domestic Tender notification for the Supply and installation of Cryostat and Microtome at Microtome Facility, IISc (04-09-2024)
  218. Domestic Tender notification for the EMCCD camera for low-light fluorescence imaging (03-09-2024)
  219. Global Tender notification for the procurement of an Isothermal Calorimeter for Measuring the Heat of Hydration of Cement Pastes and Similar Materials (30/08/2024)
  220. Global Tender notification for procurement of a Drytek Pump for Plasma-Therm ICP-RIE system (29/08/2024)
  221. Global Tender notification for Photoresists and Developers for Lithography (29/08/2024)
  222. Domestic Tender notification for the Supply and installation of a variable temperature insert cryostat (06/08/2024) Corrigendum (29/08/2024)
  223. Global Tender notification for procurement of a BUSCH Vacuum Pump for LPCVD system (28/08/2024)
  224. Domestic Tender notification for the supply and installation of a Low resistance measurement system (26/08/2024)
  225. Domestic Tender notification for the supply and installation of a cryogen-free variable temperature cryostat (26/08/2024)
  226. Domestic Tender notification for Collection & Safe Disposal of Chemical Wastes from IISc Bangalore (26/08/2024)
  227. Global Tender notification for the Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Training of a Ion Chromatography System (20/08/2024)
  228. Global Tender notification for the procurement of Tabletop SEM (19/08/2024)
  229. Domestic Tender notification for the Supply and Installation of HPC System, Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systems (RBCCPS) (06/08/2024) Corrigendum (14/08/2024)
  230. Domestic Tender notification for supply and installation of Fire Hydrant System (13/08/2024)
  231. Global Tender notification for the procurement of Single Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (09/08/2024)
  232. Domestic Tender notification for the Supply of Mixed bed Resin (07/08/2024)
  233. This RFQ (Request for Quote) seeks proposals for planning, supplying, installing, testing, commissioning, and training of personnel with respect to the medical equipment including Photon Counting/ Spectral/Conventional CT scan and related items from OEMs applicable to CT scan system for IISc, Bangalore. (31/07/2024)
  234. Domestic tender notification for the procurement of TEM SAMPLE PREPARATION SETUP (05/07/24) Corrigendum (31/07/2024)
  235. Global Tender for the procurement of “Pipette Puller” (30/07/2024)
  236. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of “Automated Liquid Handling System” at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalor (30/07/2024)
  237. Domestic tender notification for the procurement of optical thermal analysis stage(26/07/2024)
  238. Tender for Supply of a High Speed Camera at CeNSE, IISc Bangalore (16/07/2024)
  239. Domestic (India-based) manufacturers only for the tape-out and fabrication of Integrated Photonic Circuit chips to be procured at the department of Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE)(16/07/2024)
  240. Request for Quotation for procurement of a 3-stack Horizontal tube furnace system at IISc, Bangalore. (16/07/2024)
  241. Domestic Tender for Supply and Installation of NVIDIA RTX 6000 ADA CARD-based GPU Server from IISc, Bangalore. (01/07/2024) Corrigendum (09/07/2024) Corrigendum(16/07/2024)
  242. Domestic tender for the procurement of Vector Signal Generators (VSG) for 5G/6G research (12/07/2024)
  243. Tender for Lockin amplifier from domestic (India based) manufacturers (12/07/2024)
  244. Tender notification for the procurement of a lock in Amplifier (11/07/2024)
  245. Tender for Supply and installation of Midas GAS DETECTOR Cartridges (11/07/2024)
  246. Tender for Supply and installation of Dry Cryofree (Closed cycle) Optical Cryostat (10/07/2024)
  247. Tender for Tunable repetition-rate amplified femtosecond laser (09/07/2024)
  248. Tender for Optical Parametric Amplifier (09/07/2024)
  249. Tender from IRDA approved Insurance Companies for Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy for IISc. Students/ Project Staff, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (25/06/2024) pre-bid meeting link (02/07/2024) MINUTES OF PRE-BID MEETING FOR TENDER (05/07/24) Pre-bid meeting documents (08/07/24)
  250. Tender for Single Photon Detector (Counting) Module, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru (08/07/24)
  251. Tender notification for “Tender from IRDA approved Insurance Companies for Group Mediclaim (Family Floater) Insurance Policy for IISc. Employees / Pensioners and their dependent family members.” and Prebid meeting Link(25/06/24) MINUTES OF PRE-BID MEETING (05/07/2024)
  252. Global tender notification for the procurement of tunable repetition-rate amplified femtosecond laser (24/07/2023) This tender has been cancelled (05/07/24)
  253. Global tender notification for the procurement of Collinear Optical Parametric Amplifier (15/05/2024) This tender has been cancelled (05/07/24)
  254. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR PROVIDING TAXIES & OTHER VEHICLES TO INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE (13/06/24) Corrigandum R(CMC)Taxi/2024-09 dated 13th June 2024 (05/07/24)
  255. Domestic Tender for the procurement of a Surface Area and Pore Analyzer based on volumetric gas adsorption principle (04/07/2024)
  256. Domestic Tender for the procurement of a Thermogravimetry Analyzer (04/07/2024)
  258. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of a DC-powered Electrochemical system with Multi-Channel, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru (04/07/2024)
  259. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of a Ferroelectric Test system for Thin film measurement with various FE-Module measurements system at MRC, IISc Bangalore. (03/07/2024)
  260. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF ALLOPATHIC MEDICINES TO Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and Pre-bid meeting link (10/06/2024) Corrigendum– Extension of Tender Submission Date Minutes and Annexures (01/07/2024)
  261. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EoI) from Eligible Agencies/Firms for Horticulture Maintenance Services at IISc, Bengaluru.
    (07/06/2024) The last date extended up to 15th July 2024 (28/06/2024)
  262. Tender For Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of laboratory furniture in the lower ground floor at the IDR Buildingin IISc, Bangalore (12/06/2024) Minutes of Meeting and Corrigendum(26/06/2024)
  263. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of Large Area Plasma Cleaner (26/06/2024)
  264. Global Tender notification for TCAD Silvaco Licenses (25/06/2024)
  265. Domestic Tender notification for Supply and Installation of Nanoparticle Tracking Analyzer (25/06/2024)
  266. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of Bidirectional Grid Simulator (25/06/2024)
  267. Domestic tenders for supply of “6 – axis Robot” IISc Bangalore (21/06/2024)
  268. Domestic tenders for supply of “Mass-finishing machine” IISc Bangalore(21/06/2024)
  269. Domestic Tender notification for supply of “Vertical machining center (VMC)”, IISc Bangalore. (28/05/2024) Corrigendum-1 (19/06/2024)   Corrigendum-2 (21/06/2024)
  270. Domestic Tender notification for the Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Training of a Single Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer for Determination of Elemental Concentrations (20/06/2024)
  271. Global Tender notification for the procurement of a “QTOF Mass Spectrometer and Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (QTOF-UHPLC)” (19/06/2024)
  273. Domestic Tender notification for supply of “Phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT)” IISc Bangalore. (18/06/2024)
  274. Domestic Tender notification for the Supply and installation of Dry Cryofree (Closed cycle) Optical Cryostat (18/06/2024)
  276. Tender Notice for the procurement of a Multichannel Electrochemical Workstation for general electrochemistry, battery and supercapacitors, at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. (14/06/2024)
  278. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of RF Noise source (13/06/2024)
  279. Domestic Tender notification for a Glove Box with Integrated Dual-Chamber Thermal Evaporator (13/06/2024)
  280. Domestic Tender: Request for Quote (India based vendors only) for the procurement of Glovebox workstation for accommodating a large area spin coating unit, IISc Bangalore. (12/06/2024)
  281. Domestic Tender: Request for Quote (India based vendors only) for the procurement of Solvent Purification System, IISc Bangalore.(12/06/2024)
  282. Global Tender Notification for Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) (07/06/2024)
  283. Tender No: IISc/Tender-AMC-02/2024-25 For Annual Operation and Maintenance of 2 X 500 KLD STPs and 1 X 100 KLD ETP at IISc., Bangalore (07/06/2024)
  284. Global Tender Notification for Probe Stations (07/06/2024)
  285. Global Tender Notification for Electrical Characterization System (07/06/2024)
  286. Global Tender Notification for Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
  287. Domestic Tender notification for procurement of 200MHz 6 channel Oscilloscope with Passive and High Voltage Probes, IISc Bangalore. (05/06/2024)
  288. GeM bidding for AMC of kitchen fume exhausts, air curtains, wall mounted exhaust fans etc., at Mess Kitchen. (04/06/2024)
  289. GeM Bidding for AMC of pest control services at Mess Kitchens (04/06/2024)
  290. GeM Bidding for AMC of solar water heating system at various hostels (04/06/2024)
  291. GeM Bidding for AMC of drinking water dispensers at various hostels and Messes(04/06/2024)
  292. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of two of single-photon avalanche detectors (SPADs), IISc Bangalore. (04/06/2024)
  293. Domestic Tender notification for providing AMC for UPSes and Batteries in SERC, IISc (04/06/2024)
  294. Global Tender Notification for the supply of A ROTATING ANODE BASED X-RAY POWDER DIFFRACTOMETER (29/05/2024)
  295. Domestic Tender notification for providing CAMC for 4 Nos. Trane Air Cooled Screw Chillers for 1 Year in SERC. (29/05/2024)
  296. Domestic Tender notification for providing B-check services for 3×750 KVA DGs in SERC, IISc. (28/05/2024)
  297. Domestic Tender notification for providing AMC services for 4×750 KVA DGs in SERC for a period of one year.(28/05/2024)
  298. Domestic Tender notification for Supply and Installation of Automated High Performance Liquid Chromatography, IISc Bangalore. (27/05/2024)
  299. Domestic Tender notification for Supply and Installation of Interferometric Displacement Measuring System, IISc Bangalore. (27/05/2024)
  300. Domestic Tender for the supply of three-dimensional digital image correlation “3D-DIC” system to the Depart. of Mechanical Engineering, IISc, Bengaluru.
  301. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of A large area multi-material spin coating system, CeNSE.(09/05/2024) Corrigendum (20/05/2024)
  302. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of Optical Tunable Filter with Control Console for Data processing (17/05/2024)
  303. Global Tender Notification for a Mask Aligner System (17/05/2024)
  304. Domestic Tender Notification for Virtual Network and Spectrum Analyzer (17/05/2024)
  305. Domestic Tender notification for procurement of ULTRASOUND SYSTEM FOR SPEECH PRODUCTION, IISc Bangalore. (17/05/2024)
  306. Domestic Tender notification for procurement of Digital CMOS camera for fluorescence imaging, IISc Bangalore. (17/05/2024)
  307. Domestic Tender notification for procurement of Low-noise CW Laser, IISc Bangalore. (17/05/2024)
  308. Domestic Tender notification Supply and installation of “Complete Western Blot Transfer System -2 sets”, IISc Bangalore. (17/05/2024)
  309. Global Tender Notification “Lipid Nano Particle (LNP) formulation System” at the Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (16/05/2024)
  310. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of 5 axis CNC machine (16/05/2024)
  311. Domestic Tender Notification for Supply and Installation of H100-based GPU System (14/05/2024)
  312. Tender for Augmentation of power supply to the New BSL and Old CAF building at IISc campus, Bangalore (13/05/2024)
  313. Tender for Providing Solar LED Street Light in Cricket Hockey and Football Grounds in IISc Campus, Bangalore.
  314. Limited local Tender for repurposing of an existing cleanroom at CCT, by modifying/upgrading the existing Utilities, (CeNSE) at IISc, Bangalore. (13/05/2024)
  315. Global Tender notification for the procurement of 3KW fibre/diode laser source (02/05/2024) Corrigendum (13/05/2024)
  316. Global Tender Notification for the Supply and Installation of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscope (XPS) (22/04/2024) Corrigendum (10/05/2024)
  317. Global Tender Notification for Single Photon Detector (Counting) Module (09/05/2024)
  318. Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) from Eligible Architects/Architectural Firms, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru. (08/05/2024)
  319. Domestic Tender Notification for procurement of nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (PCF) (08/05/2024)
  320. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of High-Speed Camera (08/05/2024)
  321. TENDER FOR Supply and Installation of Hostel Furniture, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. (05/04/2024) For pre-bid meeting Link to be held on 12-04-2024 at 11 a.m. click here (10/04/2024) Minutes of Pre-bid meeting (15/04/2024) Corrigendum-1 (23/04/2024) Corrigendum-2 (25/04/2024) Technical corrigendum (30/04/2024) Corrigendum-3 (08/05/2024)
  322. Request for quote (RFQ) from domestic (India-based) manufacturers for Bidirectional Programmable DC Power Supply with PV Simulation Software, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (07/05/2024)
  323. Global Tender Notification for proprietary Turbo pump upgrade from ATH1300MT to ATH1600MT for Oxford PlasmaLab system 100 ICP 380 (07/05/2024)
  324. Domestic Tender notification for the supply of Portable Roughness and Profile Measurement System, ICER, IISc Bangalore. (01/05/2024) Corrigendum (07/05/2024)
  325. Global Tender Notification for the procurement and Installation of high temperature split tube furnaces (02/05/2024) Corrigendum (06/05/2024)
  326. Global Tender Notification for procurement of Optical Spectrometer for Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) application (03/05/2024)
  327. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Helium Recovery, Storage and Liquefaction System (03/05/2024)
  328. Global Tender Notification for the supply of a High Sensitivity Camera (03/05/2024)
  329. Global Tender notification for the procurement of Laser deposition head(powder feeding) for additive manufacturing (02/05/2024)
  330. Domestic Tender notification for procurement of Polarization Maintaining (PM) Raman optical fiber, IISc Bangalore. (02/05/2024)
  331. Domestic Tender notification for procurement of Highly Nonlinear Optical fiber (HNLF), IISc Bangalore. (02/05/2024)
  332. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of 4-channel super conducting single photon detector (SNSPD) (02/05/2024)
  333. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of Highly Nonlinear Optical fiber (HNLF) (08/04/2024) Corrigendum (09/04/2024) Cancellation Corrigendum (02/05/2024)
  334. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of Pump, single frequency laser diodes with associated temperature and current controllers (08/04/2024) Cancellation Corrigendum (02/05/2024)
  335. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) (08/04/2024) Cancellation Corrigendum (02/05/2024)
  336. Global Tender for a a DRIE System for the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE) at IISc, Bangalore. (15/04/2024) Corrigendum (01/05/2024)
  337. Domestic Tender notification for the supply and installation of Chemiluminescence Imaging System, MCB, IISc Bangalore. (01/05/2024)
  338. Tender Notification for Renovation And Upgradation Of Newly Allotted Rooms From Old IPC Department (D-001,D-002,D-003 &C-008) For Department Of Mathematics At IISc (01/05/2024)
  339. Domestic Tender Notification for Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Training of a qPCR System With Accessories (24/04/2024)
  340. Domestic Tender Notification only for procurement of 4 nos. of intensity modulator systems consisting of an intensity modulator, RF amplifier and modulator bias controller (23/04/2024)
  341. Domestic Tender Notification only for procurement of 4 nos. of phase modulator systems consisting of phase modulator, and RF amplifier (23/04/2024)
  342. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of Helium Leak Detector (02/04/2024) Corrigendum (22/04/2024)
  343. Global Tender Notification for 40 mW diode laser system @405nm and linewidth <160MH (17/04/2024)
  344. Domestic Tender notification for Comprehensive AMC for Drycooler and PACs for 3 Years in SERC (04/04/2024) Corrigendum (16/04/2024)
  345. Domestic Tender notification for Comprehensive AMC for Integrated Pump and Motors for 3 Years in SERC (27/03/2024) Corrigendum (16/04/2024)
  346. Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) under Two-Cover Bid System for Comprehensive AMC for UPS and AMC for Batteries for 3 Years in SERC [Local Tender] (26/03/2024) Corrigendum (16/04/2024)
  347. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of “Bis(ethylcyclopentadienyl)scandium chloride ((EtCp)2ScCl) and MIDGARD bubbler (01/04/2024) Corrigendum (15/04/2024)
  348. Global Tender for a two Direct Writer Systems for the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE) at IISc, Bangalore. (15/04/2024)
  349. Domestic Tender notification for a supply and installation of “Modular Vibration Analyzer for Supercritical CO2 Power Block” at the “Interdisciplinary Centre of Energy Research (ICER), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (15/04/2024)
  350. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of High performance liquid chromatography instrument with DAD detector
  351. Domestic Tender for procurement of Bidirectional DC Power Supply at the Department of Electrical Engineering (EE), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (09/04/2024)
  352. Domestic Tender Notification for Rate Contract for Bulk Purchase, Refilling and HPT (Hydraulic Pressure Test) test Non-Comprehensive Fire Extinguishers Over One Year (09/04/2024)
  353. Domestic Tender Notification for Rate contract of Comprehensive AMC of Fire Extinguishers Over 1 Year (09/04/2024)
  354. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of two servers, each with at least two H100s (09/04/2024)
  355. Domestic RFQ for Online Testing Service, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (08/04/2024)
  356. Domestic Tender notification for Supply and Installation of a Cobot Manipulator, Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systems (RBCCPS), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (08/04/2024)
  357. “High performance liquid chromatography instrument with DAD detector” for the Animal BSL-3 facility in Centre for Infectious Diseases of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (17/08/2023) Corrigendum (05/04/2024)
  358. Domestic tender notification for the procurement of CPU-based compute nodes to be added to existing High-Performance Computing (HPC) cluster. (03/04/2024)
  359. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement of CPU-based compute nodes to be added to existing High-Performance Computing (HPC) cluster (01/04/2024) Corrigendum (03/04/2024)
  360. Global Tender Notification for the supply of a Cryostat (01/04/2024)
  361. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of dual-line camera spectrometer system with high-speed data acquisition electronics (27/03/2024)
  362. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of VERTICAL DIAMOND WIRE SAW SETUP (04/03/2024) Corrigendum (26/03/2024)
  363. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of- ELECTROPOLISHING SETUP (04/03/2024) Corrigendum (26/03/2024)
  364. TENDER FOR PROVIDING HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES At various Hostels, SCHEDULE OF EVENTS & OTHER DETAILS and Pre-Bid meetling link at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (22/03/2024)
  365. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Photoelastic Modulator with Controller (21/03/2024)
  366. ENDER FOR PROVIDING MANPOWER SERVICES (Unskilled, Semi-Skilled and Skilled), SCHEDULE OF EVENTS & OTHER DETAILS Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Join the meeting now (07/03/2024) Pre-bid clarification (20/03/2024)
  367. Local Tender Notification for Centralized Housekeeping Services   Schedule of Events and Other details   Pre-Bid meetling link (29/02/2024) Pre-bid clarification (20/03/2024)
  368. TENDER FOR PROVIDING HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES At various Departments/Centre’s/Units at IISc (06/03/2024) Join the meeting now (07/03/2024) Pre-bid clarification (20/03/2024)
  369. TENDER DOCUMENT FOR PROVIDING COOKING AND CLEANING SERVICES AT STUDENTS’ “E” MESSSCHEDULE OF EVENTS & OTHER DETAILS and pre-bid link AT IISC (14/03/2024) Tender Pre-bid clarification meeting (19/03/2024)
  370. TENDER DOCUMENT FOR PROVIDING COOKING AND CLEANING SERVICES AT STUDENTS “D” MESS, SCHEDULE OF EVENTS & OTHER DETAILS and pre-bid link AT Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (13/03/2024) Tender Pre-bid clarification meeting (19/03/2024)
  371. TENDER DOCUMENT FOR PROVIDING COOKING AND CLEANING SERVICES AT STUDENTS “C” MESS, SCHEDULE OF EVENTS & OTHER DETAILS pre-bid link AT IISc (13/03/2024) Tender Pre-bid clarification meeting (19/03/2024)
  372. TENDER FOR PROVIDING HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES At various Hostels, SCHEDULE OF EVENTS & OTHER DETAILS and pre-bid link at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (19/03/2024) This tender is cancelled.
  373. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of a research grade vibration isolation optical table (L-shaped) (29/02/2024) Corrigendum (18/03/2024)
  374. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Vibration-Isolated Optical Table (15/03/2024)
  375. TENDER FOR PROVIDING COOKING AND CLEANING SERVICES AT STUDENTS “A” MESS, SCHEDULE OF EVENTS & OTHER DETAILS and pre-bid link AT IISc, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (12/03/2024) Pre-bid clarification document (15/03/2024)
  376. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of a Research Grade FT-IR with ATR and accessories (12/03/2024)
  378. Local Tender Notification for SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF Visualization wall with Interiors, Acoustic, Furniture & Audio-Visual equipment, and associated works (21/02/2024) Corrigendum (11/03/2024)
  379. Local Tender: RFQ (Request for Quote) for planning, supplying, installation, testing, commissioning & training of Linear Accelerator, MR LINAC, Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife, Dosimetry Equipment and Immobilisation Devices as part of a limited tender for IISc, Bangalore. (07/03/2024)
  380. TENDER FOR PROVIDING SECURITY SERVICES ON CONTRACT FOR, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Pre-Bid meetling link (07/03/2024)
  381. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement and Installation of High temperature Muffle furnaces (06/03/2024)
  382. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement and Installation of high temperature split tube furnaces (06/03/2024)
  383. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of Laser deposition head(powder feeding) for additive manufacturing (06/03/2024)
  384. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of 3KW fibre/diode laser source (06/03/2024)
  385. TENDER FOR PROVIDING HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES At various Departments/Centre’s/Units at IISc (06/03/2024)
  386. Tender No: IISc/Tender-IDS-BE-10/2023-24 For “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of laboratory furniture in the lower ground floor at the IDR Building in IISc, Bangalore” (08/02/2024) Clarifications Corrigendum (20/02/2024) Corrigendum (27/02/2024) Corrigendum-2 (04/03/2024)
  387. Domestic tender notification for the procurement of “high performance GPU-based compute node” (01/03/2024)
  388. TENDER FOR CENTRALIZED HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES   Schedule of Events and Other details   Pre-Bid meetling link (26/02/2024) This tender is cancelled. (29/02/2024)
  389. Local Tender Notification for Supply and Installation of A100-based GPU System (20/02/2024) Corrigendum (29/02/2024)
  390. Global Tender Notification for reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) system (28/02/2024)
  391. Global Tender Notification for narrow gap non-optical cryostat (28/02/2024)
  392. Local Tender Notification for OCT Spectrometer (27/02/2024)
  393. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement and installation of Particle Image Velocimetry system (27/02/2024)
  394. TENDER FOR CENTRALIZED HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES   Schedule of Events and Other details   Pre-Bid meetling link (26/02/2024) This tender is cancelled. (29/02/2024)
  395. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of “3H-myo-inositol” (24/02/2024)
  396. Global Tender Notification for the Supply and installation of Automatic Cage Washer (23/02/2024)
  397. Local Tender Notification for Radio Frequency (RF) Signal Generator (22/02/2024)
  398. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry (MS) system (22/02/2024)
  399. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) system with PDA Detector (22/02/2024)
  400. Limited Global Tender for an abatement system for HF vapour etch tool SPTS uEtch, Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE) at IISc, Bangalore. (19/02/2024)
  401. Global Tender Notification for the procurement of a “Pulse and Delay Generator” (19/02/2024)
  402. Domestic Tender Notification for the Procurement of a Sputtering System (31/01/2024) Corrigendum (19/02/2024)
  403. Tender No. CeNSE /2024-01 dated 16th February 2024 Request for quote (RFQ) TENDER FOR PROVIDING MANPOWER SERVICES (Technical and Non-Technical) (16/02/2024)
  404. Request for quote (RFQ) from domestic (India-based) manufacturers only for Photonic Curing System (13/02/2024)
  405. Tender for Supply, installation, testing, & commissioning of Networking Infrastructure at Smart X building of Interdisciplinary Sciences Division, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and SCHEDULE OF EVENTS & OTHER DETAILS (29/11/2023) Corrigendum-1: Deadline of Submission of Bids Extended and Corrigendum-2: Eligibility and Technical Criteria (13/12/2023) Cancellation Corrigendum-3 (13/02/2024)
  406. Local Tender Notification for procuring “Microfluidics Based Synthesis System” (13/02/2024)
  407. A GeM bidding for Procurement of smart phones (12/02/2024)
  408. Request for quote (RFQ) from domestic (India-based) manufacturers only for procurement of 2 numbers of 4-channel Arbitrary waveform generator. (12/02/2024)
  409. Request for quote (RFQ) from domestic (India-based) manufacturers only for procurement of 4-channel super conducting single photon detector (SNSPD) (12/02/2024)
  410. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of a portable and compact size expandable Potentiostat / Galvanostat with Spectrophotometer and Electrode accessories. (08/02/2024)
  411. Global Tender Notification for the Procurement of a High-End Research Grade Fourier Transform – Infra Red (FT-IR) Spectrophotometer with Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) Mode and Variable Temperature Liquid Nitrogen based Cryostat (77 K-500 K) interfacing with the FT-IR Spectrometer and accessories. (08/02/2024)
  412. Tender No: IISc/Tender-CIV-16/2023-24 For “Annual Operation and Maintenance of Water Supply and distribution System at IISc., Bangalore (06/02/2024)
  413. Global Tender Notification for supply of SQUID components, associated FLL and PC electronics (05/02/2024)
  414. Global tender for purchase of “Laser for existing confocal microscope”, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (02/02/2024)
  415. Global Tender Notification for supply of Pump laser diode for Ultrafast Laser (02/02/2024)
  416. Domestic tender notification: Quote from Indian Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or their Indian authorized distributor for the procurement of Single photon source measurement setup (09/01/2024) Corrigendum (01/02/2024)
  417. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement and installation of a Rheometer at the Department of Chemical Engineering, IISc, Bangalore (08/01/2024) Corrigendum and Revised Tender(31/01/2024)
  418. Global tender for supply including Installation, Commissioning, and training at site for the “1KW Programmable Fibre laser” at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.(09/01/2024) Corrigendum (30/01/2024)
  419. Global tender for supply including Installation, Commissioning, and training at site for the “Laser galvo-scanner system” at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru (09/01/2024) Corrigendum (30/01/2024)
  420. Global tender ) for supply including Installation,Commissioning, and training at site for the “Laser wire deposition head” at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru (09/01/2024) Corrigendum (30/01/2024)
  421. Tender No: IISc/Tender-CIV-15/2023-24 For Renovation works for Open Circuit Wind Tunnel at IISc, Bangalore” (25/01/2024)
  422. Domestic tender notification for the procurement of DC-powered Electrochemical system with Multi-Channel, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. (25/01/2024)
  423. Global tender for the Supply of CSAR Photoresists to be used for Lithography in microelectronics applications (18/01/2024)
  424. Global tender for the Supply of evaporation pellets to be used for metal contacts in microelectronics applications (18/01/2024)
  425. Renovation of Student Amenities Center (SAC) Gymkhana Premises at IISc (17/01/2024)
  426. Domestic Tender notification for Supply and Installation of UPS Panels, Cables and accessories, and Cable Trays in SERC (17/01/2024)
  427. Tender No: IISc/Tender-CIV-14/2023-24 For Upgradation of CCE Hall in Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (17/01/2024)
  428. Supply Installation Testing and Commissioning of RFID system for the library (17/01/2024)
  429. Supply and installation of Furniture for Library (17/01/2024)
  430. GeM Tender for procurement of mess items (17/01/2024)
  431. Tender ID: 2023_IISC_783422_2 (in CPP portal) Tender No: IISc/Tender-Fire_Lab-01/2023-24 : For Fire Structural Testing Facility at Indian Institute of Science, Challakere campus at Khudapura, Challakere, Chitradurga District, Karnataka (11/01/2024) Pre-Bid Meeting (17/01/2024)
  432. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of High Temperature Heat Treatment Furnace (16/01/2024)
  433. Global Tender Notification for the Supply and Installation of “H100-based GPU System” (28/12/2023) Corrigendum (16/01/2024)
  434. Tender notification for the Construction of Modern Indoor Sports Complex at Gymkhana IISc Bangalore (12/01/2024)
  435. Tender notification for the Reconstruction of damaged boundary wall and Raising of boundary wall with Solid Block Masonry at different stretches: From NSSC Auditorium gate to CBR gate, from HMT road to Main gate, near KV school, from Post office gate to Maramma circle gate, Security office gate to TPS pump house near Sadashiv Nagar police station and Fabrication and Chain Link fencing at 66KV IISc (12/01/2024)
  436. Domestic tender notification for the Supply and installation of “High end operating microscope” at the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.(12/12/2023) This tender is cancelled. (15/12/2023) Corrigendum (12/01/2024)
  437. Tender No: IISc/Tender-Fire_Lab-01/2023-24 : For Fire Structural Testing Facility at Indian Institute of Science, Challakere campus at Khudapura, Challakere, Chitradurga District, Karnataka (01/12/2023) Teams Meeting Link for pre-Bid meeting to be held on 13/12/2023, 11:30 am (11/12/2023) Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes (13/12/2023) Retender Corrigendum (11/01/2024)
  438. Global tender for the procurement of a 400 MHz Solid-State NMR spectrometer probe with optical fiber for light irradiation (11/01/2024)
  439. Global Tender Notification for “6-axis articulated robot” at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (20/12/2023) Corrigendum (11/01/2024)
  440. (11/01/2024)
  441. Domestic Tender Notification for the procurement and Installation of Four port Glove box (2 ‘Two-Port Glove Boxes’ interconnected with T shaped antechamber) (10/01/2024)
  442. Tender No: IISc/Tender-CIV-10/2023-24 For Renovation worksM at Central Stores in Indian Institute of Science (09/01/2024)
  443. Global tender for the supply of Photonic integrated circuit active assembly, glueing and testing system to Indian Institute of Science Bangalore. (19/12/2023) Corrigendum (09/01/2024)
  444. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of High Speed Camera (08/01/2024)
  445. Global tender for supply of sputtering targets (04/01/2024)
  446. Limited tender for RIE system (04/01/2024)
  447. Global tender for the C103 Niobium alloy plate annealed for the Department of Materials Engineering, IISc (04/01/2024)
  448. Invitation for EOI from eligible architects to design research stations at IISc, Chellakere Campus (03/01/2024)
  449. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of “Helium Recovery, Storage and Liquefaction System” (02/01/2024)
  450. Global Tender Notification for the Supply of Kr/Ne/F premix filled Gas cylinder to be used for Coherent COMPex excimer Laser (02/01/2024)
  451. Domestic Tender notification for the procurement of a Lockin Amplifier (02/01/2024)
  452. Global Tender notification for the supply of RIE (Reactive Ion Etcher) to National Nanofabrication centre, IISc(01/01/2024)

Vendor Registration

Click here to download form.

Past IISc Tenders published in the website

  • Tenders from January 2023 to December 2023
  • Tenders from January 2022 to December 2022
  • Tenders from July 2021 to December 2021
  • Tenders from April 2021 to June 2021
  • Tenders from Jan 2021 to Mar 2021
  • Tenders from Jan 2020 to Dec 2020
  • From January 2018 to December 2019
  • From December 2015 to December 2017